Here’s your guide to all the breastfeeding resources from The Boob Group episodes! You can listen to all of our episodes through this website, our RSS feed as well as your favorite podcast apps!

When Breastfeeding Doesn’t Go As Planned

You've done everything you can to ensure a successful breastfeeding relationship with your baby, but you're still plagued by challenges. When plans A,B and C don't work... what are plans D, E and F?

Exclusive Pumping: The Basics

You may have planned to breastfeed your baby, but sometimes the circumstances make "pumping" expressed breast milk is the best option available to both mother and child. What are some of the main reasons moms exclusively pump and what are the possible benefits/challenges?

Wet Nursing and Cross Nursing: Breastfeeding Other Children

If you need to be away from your baby, most breastfeeding moms think of pumping or perhaps using donor milk. But what about having another mother breastfeed your baby? It’s called wet nursing or cross nursing and it’s been around a lot longer than breast pumps- that’s for sure. What’s the history of wet nursing in the United States? And how are moms using it today? Real moms share their real experience.

How Your Thyroid Can Affect Milk Supply

Hormone imbalances can cause complicated situations for your milk supply. How do you know if your thyroid is to blame? What medications and herbs are available to treat mothers with both high and low thyroid conditions?

Exclusive Breastfeeding After Early Supplementation

It is still possible to exclusively breastfeed your baby after early supplementation. How does the type of supplementation impact the situation? How can you protect your milk supply? And how can you wean your baby off the supplementation?

Postpartum Depression and Breastfeeding-Friendly Treatments

Postpartum Depression impacts for the 15% of women each year. In a previous episode, we discussed the symptoms and triggers for PPD. Now, learn more about breastfeeding-friendly options for treating depression many new mothers experience shortly after giving birth.

Breastfeeding and Dealing with Judgmental People

Breastfeeding may be challenging at times, and it doesn't help to have judgmental people critiquing your every move. How can a breastfeeding mom cope with these unsolicited comments without her self-esteem being squashed?

Coping with Cluster Feedings

It if seems like your baby always want to breastfeed, then your baby may be cluster feeding. Why do babies cluster feed? Could it be a sign of a growth spurt? What should you do if your baby is nursing non-stop? And how can cluster feedings impact milk supply?

Myths and Misconceptions: Breastfeeding Infants

At some point during pregnancy you probably heard a myth or two about breastfeeding. While some were helpful, others probably seemed a bit crazy. In this episode, we're separating fact from fiction by revealing the most common myths and misconceptions when breastfeeding infants.