Here’s your guide to all our Parent Savers episodes – all the parenting tips you need! You can listen to all of our episodes through this website, our RSS feed as well as your favorite podcast apps!
We know milk is an important part of our baby's growth and development. But with so many types of milk out there, how do we know what's best for our family? This episode explores the benefits of milk as well as options for getting calcium and other nutrients if dairy isn't an option.
Your baby is now a toddler and they're starting to talk. Well, kind of. What are the speech development milestones for tots and toddlers? And what do you do if your child is falling a bit behind?
Children love music. But did you know music and moving to a beat fosters learning at home and in the classroom? Learn more about the benefits and how you can incorporate music and movement into your daily routine.
There are many different options when it comes to children and their education. For parents interested in home school, the process can actually begin when their kids are still toddlers. This episode explores the path to schooling your children at home.
You notice your toddler's odd behavior and wild, inexplicable mood swings. He has trouble with fine motor skills, or perhaps an unusual aversion to noise or light. Could this be a sensory processing disorder? Learn the signs and symptoms so you can better help your child.
You're excited to get your kiddo out of diapers, we know. But how do you know when it's time to potty train your little one? What are the dos and don'ts for potty-training girls and boys?
The baby days are over. One minute they give you a kiss and a smile and in the next moment are screaming and hitting. How can you handle this situation with your toddler without throwing a tantrum yourself? What triggers this type of behavior and how can it be prevented? How can we turn the "terrible twos" into the "terrific twos"?
Sudden meltdowns, kicking and screaming, head beating against the floor (or some other hard surface). If you're the parent of the toddler, this is probably a regular occurrence in your home. So, are you supposed to just grin and bare it? We've got some tips to help when your tiny tot throws a tantrum.
Tearful, tantrum-filled goodbyes are common during a child's earliest years. Although it's a normal and essential survival instinct, it can also be problematic. How can you help ease their separation anxiety and transition into a more independent stage in life?