Here’s your guide to all our Newbies episodes – all the parenting tips you need during baby’s first year! You can listen to all of our episodes through this website, our RSS feed as well as your favorite podcast apps!

Discipline for Young Children

We all want our children to do what we tell them to do. But even the most obedient children fall short sometimes. So, when is it time to discipline your child? What systems seem to work best? And how do you make this transition when your child is just now learning right from wrong?

Prioritizing Self-Care for Postpartum Moms

While many women get cleared for normal activities from their doctors within a couple of months of giving birth, the postpartum recovery period is actually much longer. How long does it actually take to heal from pregnancy and childbirth? And what are some ways new moms can prioritize self-care during this time period?

The Science of “Mom Brain”

Are you constantly losing your keys? Or maybe your train of thought mid-sentence – every sentence? Maybe you’re like me and chalk it up to “mom brain.” But is “mom brain” real, or just something we tell ourselves to feel better when we forget to actually put laundry detergent in the washing machine to clean our dirty clothes or find the milk in the pantry? (That can’t just be me, right?) Today, we’re talking with moms and a researcher about the science behind “mom brain.” So if you find yourself being extra forgetful these days, don’t worry. You’ll quickly hear you’re not alone.

Sex After Baby: When Can We Do It Again?

After you give birth your baby, your body needs some time to recover. After all, you just created another human being. Eventually, you (and your partner) may be wondering when you can have sex again. Is six weeks really enough time? How do you know if you're ready? Will it feel different? How can you do it as safely as possible, and what should you expect?

How Friendships Change After Having a Baby

Now that you’re a parent, Friday nights out on the town just don’t have the same appeal that they used to. And you may not even realize you’ve drifted apart until their invitations have stopped coming. Like it or not, for better or for worse, your friendships will change after you have a baby, and our panel of parent guests today are here to share their experiences to help you navigate what that might look like.

Diaper Rashes: Causes and Remedies

You remove your baby's diaper and see redness everywhere- perhaps even bumps and open sores! What's causing your baby's diaper rash? Could it be the diaper, or some other form allergy or irritation?

Nap Transitions: How Do You Drop a Nap?

As your baby grows, so does his ability to sleep for longer periods of time. So, how does this impact the naps you have scheduled throughout the day? How much sleep does your baby really need?

Birthmarks, Stork Bites and Belly Buttons

When your baby is born, you examine every inch of her tiny, little body. And you may find some thing you didn't expect such as a birth mark or a stork bite. What do these marks actually mean and what causes them to appear on your baby? Plus, learn how to properly care for your baby's umbilical cord and belly button after birth.

Should I Eat My Placenta?

You birthed your baby, and then your birthed your placenta. So, now what do you do with it? You could take it home with you... and perhaps eat it. What?!?

Birth Certificates and Social Security Cards for Your Newborn

Birth certificates and social security cards, most of us use this information on a daily basis. And all the paperwork to create those documents start the moment you are born. As a parent, what do you need to know about filling-out these documents for your child? How does the processing of these documents differ if delivering in a hospital versus a birthing center?