Here’s your guide to all our Newbies episodes – all the parenting tips you need during baby’s first year! You can listen to all of our episodes through this website, our RSS feed as well as your favorite podcast apps!

How ‘Wake Windows’ Help Babies Sleep

Sleep can be so hard to come by in the early days of parenthood, and many parents will try anything and everything to help their babies sleep better. A pediatric sleep consultant shares her best tips, as well as information on infant sleep cycles, sleep regressions and what your baby's time awake has to do with how well they sleep.

Delayed Postpartum Depression: Expectations

Sometimes parenting doesn't turn out the way we planned. We may envision our birth plan unfolding perfectly, followed by days, weeks, months or years of complete happiness as we watch our children grow. But reality can look much different. What happens when our expectations aren't fulfilled? How can that lead to depression and fears of failure as a new mother?

Delayed Postpartum Depression: Toddler Transition

Caring for a toddler is both an exciting and challenging adventure, for any parent. If you're struggling with postpartum depression or another postnatal mood disorder, this transition may seem completely overwhelming. So, how can you better prepare yourself? How do you manage your child's temper tantrums when you might be on the verge of doing the same thing yourself? We'll explore some tips to help give you more structure to help both you and child feel more secure.

Delayed Postpartum Depression: Having More Babies

Having another child after experiencing postpartum depression, or another perinatal mental health disorder, may seem daunting as a new mother. What if it happens again? What if it is worse? Who would sign themselves up for this experience again? How can you reconcile this fear with the longing for more babies?

Postpartum Nutrition for New Moms

Your baby is here! But you're so busy taking care of your little one that you forget to take care of yourself. Sound familiar? But did you know that good nutrition is super important for new moms- whether your breastfeeding your baby or you're simply helping your body heal from childbirth. Today we'll explore some great ways to get nutritious foods into your diet, without overwhelming your schedule.

Delayed Postpartum Depression: Self Care

Being a parent inevitably involves sacrifice. There less money, less sleep, and less time for yourself. As a mother, finding time to care for yourself is essential but can seem like an impossible task. Not only may it seem impractical, but it may even feel selfish. How can you find the time and energy to help yourself so you can care for your children? How do you overcome guilty feelings of putting yourself before the needs of others?

Delayed Postpartum Depression: Relationships

Bringing home a baby is a major life-changing event. As parents, we are all adjusting to new baby and a new identity. This inevitably impacts our relationship with one another as well as with family and friends. What are the common stressors that trigger how we interact with other people? How can we communicate our feelings in a healthy and constructive way without creating distance? And what are some ways we can create reasonable expectations so our relationships can thrive?