Annoying Twin Comments

Complete strangers make the most annoying comments about twins. These attempts at conversation can be completely frustrating. Send us your stories and commiserate with twin parents everywhere!
Complete strangers make the most annoying comments about twins. These attempts at conversation can be completely frustrating. Send us your stories and commiserate with twin parents everywhere!
Our team of experts are here to help you throughout your journey parenting twins and multiples. Submit your questions through email or our website, and allow our experts to ease your concerns and quench your curiosity.
Being a twin parent is an amazing experience! Here's your opportunity to share some of those special memories of your twins with us. Record a voicemail through our website, or send us an email and we'll share your story on our show!
You carry your smartphone with you at all times, so why not rely on your smartphone to help simplify life as a twin parent? Would you like to recommend an app for us to review? Simply leave us a voicemail on our website, or email us.
Caring for two or more children at the same time can be quite a challenge. What funny twin "oops" have you made recently (that you're willing to admit)? Record a voicemail through our website or send us an email, and we'll share your story on our show!
What are the top news headlines involving pregnancy and parenting of twins? What's the big news twin parents are talking about around the watercooler? We'll comb through all the articles and discuss the main issues impacting families of multiples.
How are we doing? We want to hear from you! Submit your comments, questions through our website voicemail (click the gray banner on the side), or via email and we'll discuss them on a future episode.
Hmmm… have you done your twin homework? Just how well do you know facts about twins? Play along with us as we shout out our best guesses to some of the toughest twin trivia on the planet!
Your world changes the moment you find out you're expecting twins. This is your chance to share that moment with the world! Were you completely in shock? Share your story by emailing us or send a voicemail straight through our website!
Experienced twin parents will tell you… twins don't stay tiny for long. In this segment, we'll share stories of older twins and the interesting things that happen them throughout their lives.