Everyday, families become victims of predators seeking to cause you and your children harm. Many times, these crimes could be avoided by parents taking a few extra measures of precaution. In this segment, Parent Savers teams up with Escondido Police Department's Family Protection Unit and the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force to help families stay safe and secure.
Sponsored By: The Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force
- Baby Sleep Solutions: 6-12 Months
- Co-Parenting: When Parents Disagree
- Exploring Parenting Styles from Other Countries
- Feeding Your Child: Starting Baby on Solids
- Know Your Work Benefits: FMLA, FSA and More!
- Making Baths Fun and Safe for Kids
- Parenting Subsequent Children After Infant Loss
- Postpartum Depression: A Guide for New Dads
- Saving Money for Your Kid’s College
- Technology and Your Toddler
- The Milk Mystery
- Top 5 Potty Training Mistakes
- Travel With Kids
- Yoga for Kids