Oogiebear: The Better Booger Tool

For parents of young children, Oogiebear is the first booger removal tool that safely and gently removes both sticky and dried mucus from a child's nostrils, and it can also be used to clean baby's ears. Developed by a mother and Registered Pharmacist, Oogiebear was created with comfort in mind, offering two unique ends to remove wet or dry boogers effectively to help children breathe easier and soothe them at a time of incredible discomfort. Oogiebear has two sides, a loop-end perfect for sticky mucus and a scoop end for safely removing dried mucus. This revolutionary tool is made of soft rubber that's easy for a parent to hold and gentle enough for baby. The bear-head design is both fun and safe—preventing the Oogiebear from going too far into baby's nose. Aspirator bulbs sometimes work for wet mucus, but they’re not effective on the dry and sticky stuff. In fact, they often push the mucus further into the nose, making it harder to reach, and creating more discomfort for baby. So, what happens if the boogers can’t be sucked out? Oogiebear to the rescue!
Retail Price: $9.50
The Reviews
As the mom of a very active 16-month-old boy who seems to constantly have a runny or stuffy nose, I was excited to try out a product that claimed to make it easier to clean out all that gunk. I had tried the aspirator when he was little and found it totally useless. In recent months I've usually resorted to just picking at his nose with my fingernails, which involves me holding him down while he screams. The first time I used the Oogiebear, I used my regular “sneak attack” tactic with similar results (a lot of screaming and crying). But then I realized that having an actual object with which to pick his nose could make this much more enjoyable for both of us. Next time, I let him hold it and look at it first, and told him mommy was going to clean his nose with it. He then let me take it from him and quickly scoop out all the goobers – no crying or struggling! This product works extremely well for what it's designed to do. Both ends work very well for removing both wet and dry mucus. I love that it's also designed with a guard so that you can't stick it in too far. It makes the process of cleaning your kiddo's nose very fast and easy. And now that he understands what's happening, I just have to say “Mommy's gonna Oogiebear you!” and he knows exactly what to expect. We did use the Oogiebear a couple of times to clear gunk from his ears too, which worked just as well. I am super grateful that we have found a product that allows me to clean up my boy's nose so quick!
I love this product!! I wish I would have had something like this with my older children too! It would have made sick season so much easier! I currently have twin 10 month old boys who are the epitome of energy, even when they are sick. It is usually a fight to clean their noses when they are sick, but with the Oogiebear, I had no problems at all!! The boys even kept still for me to use the Oogiebear on them! Even their dad likes to use it, and he hates cleaning their noses! I tried it also to clean their ears and was quite pleased with the outcome as well. Oogiebear gets a thumbs up in my book!!
I found the Oogiebear to be exceptional in removing wax from my toddlers' ears. My children have excessive wax build up, and we've had to have large amounts of wax removed at the doctor's office. I haven't found any home treatment or tool that works as well as the Oogiebear for wax removal.