Baby NäsaKleen® – Nasal Aspirator

Baby NäsaKleen is a nasal aspirator used to gently remove excess mucus from babies' noses. Baby NäsaKleen is particularly recommended prior to feeding your baby or before sleeping. Baby NäsaKleen consists of a silicone nozzle, a plastic chamber with a hygiene filter, a tube and mouthpiece. The mucus is aspirated by placing the nozzle slightly inside the baby's nose and gently applying suction through the mouthpiece. Unlike traditional baby bulb syringes or electrical aspirators, Baby NäsaKleen gives the parent continuous and complete control of the suction process for maximum safety, comfort and effectiveness. Baby NäsaKleen can safely be used on newborns, infants, and small children.
Retail Price: $9.95
Written Reviews
As a mother of three littles under the age of four I have used my fair share of nasal aspirators. Let me say, nobody likes it, nobody. No one wants their boogers evacuated, and nobody wants to be the evacuator. The easier and simpler the contraption the better. The Baby NäsaKleen fits that bill. I especially liked this aspirator because, unlike another popular booger sucker on the market, the Baby NäsaKleen has a soft, medical grade silicone tip. This is lovely, especially for the child with small and often sensitive nostrils. I also liked that the tip is removable making cleaning a whole lot easier. I can easily clean the tip and the body of the device, which, when dealing with small human's mucus is essential. The device is simple and easy to use with a long enough tube that you can get the job done without awkward maneuvering to make it work. I would recommend this over other aspirator devices I've used for its simplicity, and it's design allowing for better comfort of the kids. The Baby NäsaKleen get's the job done.
The Baby NasaKleen Nasal Aspirator is a decent product. It is designed to clear baby's nose with your suction instead of a squeeze bulb. It comes in it's own case that latches. It also comes with 50 filters. The product is easy to assemble. The concept of using ones own suction originally appealed to me, however, the suction is limited by the small tubing and your personal lung capacity. The aspirator is highly portable and easy to clean. The hygienic filters make it easy to insure no mess gets into the tubing. It could use better assembly instructions, as it did take a minute to figure out where the filter was to be placed. Overall there are only six pieces including filter when assembled. It does not work well with “sticky” mucus, but would do well for seasonal runny noses or colds. I would buy this product again. It is very easy to use with a squirmy baby.
NasaKleen really got everything out of the nose—even when it looked like nothing was there. This is one of the best ones I have used. Other aspirators fall apart easily and the tubing is hard to clean. With NasaKleen, it came with a lot of extra bulbs and the parts were easy to put together and clean.