Listener Favorites
I’m Pregnant, Now What?

You've just peed on the stick and it's positive. Now what? Most care providers will schedule your first prenatal appointment at the eight week mark. So, what are you supposed to do in the meantime?
Placenta Benefits After Childbirth

The placenta provides essential nourishment to your baby throughout pregnancy. But it has tremendous benefits to the mother during her postpartum care? What are your different options and how can it impact your overall health?
Dealing with Gender Disappointment

You "ordered" one gender, but got the other. You're upset, and you're also feeling guilty about being upset. We get it! In this episode... four honest and open moms share their struggles with gender disappointment.
Pregnancy Forums: Cracking the Code of Acronyms

There are tons of pregnancy forums online.Why are these forums full of acronyms? What are the most common acronyms used during pregnancy and what do they actually mean? We're decoding this secret online language!