Wade Schwendemann
OB/GYN, High Risk
Official "Ask the Expert"

Dr. Wade Schwendemann specializes in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, or high risk pregnancy. He came to San Diego from after finishing Albion College in Albion, MI with a BA in Biology and Chemistry, medical school in Toledo, OH and a residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY before his fellowship at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. He has been here 3 1/2 years, and is absolutely never leaving! Since moving here in 2009, he has practiced with a great group of partners at the San Diego Perinatal Center. In his spare time, he volunteers on the board of the San Diego Blood Bank. He is a newlywed, in July 2012, and he and his wife enjoy travel and martial arts.
Episodes for this expert
Postpartum Care and Recovery After Twins
You’ve just had your twin babies. It may take some time for you to feel “normal” again. How does the recovery process differ for a new mom of twins. What can you expect after having either a vaginal or cesarean birth- or perhaps both?
Understanding Pregnancy Hormones
Severe morning sickness, drastic mood changes and unexplainable changes in your physical appearance. These are just some of the “benefits” of your pregnancy hormones. But besides all the side effects, what were these hormones created to do and how do they assist you throughout your pregnancy?
Surviving the Summer Heat While Pregnant
The summer is sizzling, which can be tough to endure when you’re pregnant. We’ll discuss the importance of regulating your body’s temperature so that you and baby stay safe- and we’ll also explore some fun ways to keep cool during the hot summer months!
MoDi Twins: Monochorionic Diamniotic Pregnancy
If you’re carrying identical twins, they could be mo-di or monochorionic diamniotic. But what exactly does that mean for you and your babies? Does sharing the same placenta require additional monitoring? Should you expect additional care from your obstetrician or perinatologist? Mothers of mo-di twins share their personal experiences!
Identifying Preterm Labor with Twins
If you’re pregnant with twins or higher order multiples, then your medical care provider has probably already told you about the risk of preterm labor. What does “preterm” actually mean for multiples? What are some of the signs of preterm labor?
Twin Pregnancy and Iron Deficiency Anemia
Carrying more than one baby creates a higher demand on an expecting mother’s body during pregnancy. This often includes tapping into her iron supply which can result in iron-poor blood for mama and babies. If you’re pregnant with twins, should you be concerned? What can you do to prevent this condition? Can it be treated effectively?