Tina Erwin

Tina Erwin, RDMS, has been a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (RDMS) since 1989. She joined Sharp Grossmont Hospital in 1990, where she currently serves as manager of imaging. Tina is a member of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT), Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (SDMS), and Association of Medical Imaging Management (AHRA). A resident of San Diego since the mid-80s, Tina enjoys cooking and gardening. She relates her number of years in sonography and ultrasounds to the generations of expectant mothers that she’s helped care for. “I like to say that I am on my second generation of moms,” she says. “I’ve been scanning for so long, that the babies I scanned when I first started my career are now having babies.”
Episodes for this expert
Gender Prediction: Fact Vs. Fiction
Are you having a boy or girl? The question is inevitable the moment you announce your pregnancy. But just how reliable are the tests we use to reveal a baby’s gender?