Tanya Lieberman
Lactation Consultant

Tanya Lieberman is board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC) who writes the Booby Traps series for the Best for Babes Foundation. She ran the Motherwear Breastfeeding Blog, and writes and produces podcasts for Motherlove Herbal Company. She also works with the University of Massachusetts Breastmilk Lab, recruiting mothers do donate milk for breast cancer research. She’s worked with nursing moms in hospital and pediatric settings, and authored Spanish for Breastfeeding Support to help lactation consultants support Spanish-speaking moms. Prior to becoming a lactation consultant she was senior education and fiscal policy staff to the California legislature and Governor. She lives in Massachusetts with her husband, son, and daughter.
Episodes for this expert
Avoiding “Booby Traps” After a Hospital Birth
It’s important to get breastfeeding off to a great start- from the moment your baby is born. Depending on where you deliver, this may be easier said than done. What are the most common “booby traps” you could face and how can you overcome them?