Stephanie Glover
Childbirth Educator

Stephanie Glover is a trained childbirth educator and founder of the Regarding Birth blog and social media presence advocating for childbirth education and mentoring. In her personal journey to VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean), Stephanie joined the International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) of San Diego, an organization for which she is now Community Outreach Coordinator. Stephanie is also the Community Outreach Director for The Doula Initiative and the Event Chair for The Doula Initiative's 2nd Annual Fall Family Fair. She also recently joined the Preggie Pals team as host. Stephanie completed her childbirth education training through Bastyr University. She also holds a Bachelors in Economics from California State University, Chico. Prior to her involvement in childbirth education, Stephanie worked in the human resources field.
Episodes for this expert
What to Expect When Your Water Breaks
Your water breaks. What do you do now? It’s not always as dramatic as the movies make it out to be, but you should still be prepared. What can your amniotic fluid tell you about your baby? Why are babies usually delivered shortly after a mother’s water breaks? And what does T.A.C.O. have to do with it?