Quentin Hafner

Marriage & Family Therapist

Quentin is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in private practice in Costa Mesa, CA where he works with couples in the context of marriage therapy to transform the quality of their relationships. Quentin has made it his life's passion to help couples stay connected, in-love, and happier than ever before. In particular, Quentin loves working with couples that have young children and are striving to navigate the difficult life-state transition when couples have young kids. In addition to seeing couples in his private practice, Quentin is the creator of the Re-Connecting Marriage Workshop; an 8-week online marriage workshop for parents with young children and does marriage coaching for couples that are outside of Orange County, CA. Quentin lives in Orange County with his wife Hillery, and their son Levi.

Episodes for this expert

  • How Young Children Impact Our Marriages

    For most couples, marital satisfaction plummets after couples bring home a baby. Sleepless nights and fights over whose turn it is to change diapers can leach the fun out of a relationship. What are the most common ways children impact our marriages? And how can we lesson the impact of all this child chaos and the effect it has on our relationship with our spouse?

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