Michelle King


Dr. Michelle King is a full time Licensed Pharmacist, a wife and full time mom of twins. She has been in the pharmacy business for over 10 years, with 5 of those being in higher level pharmacy management. Michelle graduated with her Bachelors of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chemistry, and Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Toledo in 2010. She currently practices as a Clinical Informatics Pharmacist with a Cleveland based hospital system. Her professional specialties includes Medication Therapy Management (MTM) and Information Technology within Electronic Medical Health Records.

Michelle was surprised and overjoyed to learn that she and her husband were expecting identical twin girls! After over a year of research, combined with her knowledge of pharmaceuticals, she founded and owns the New Mom Help Desk– because every Mom deserves a help desk of her very own! Michelle has been a guest blogger, made TV appearances, and will now collaborate as a Pharmacy expert – all to help new moms transition to new mommy hood. There are even features specific to twins and preemies!

The latest development for Michelle is the creation of HayKay and Company. Named after her twins, HayKay and Company fills the need for affordable priced, hand made, high quality infant and toddler apparel. She is so excited and happy to be serving new mom's just like herself, and looks forward to being a guest host!

Additional Experts

Ray Kamali


Rachel Rainbolt

Parenting Expert

Jody Seagrave-Daly

Neonatal Nurse/ Lactation Consultant

Scott Koenig

Family Psychologist

Jennifer Schere

Psychologist, Moms

Erin Ashley

Licensed Midwife