Linda Goldsmith


My name is Linda Goldsmith and I have been a resident of San Diego since 1986. I am happily married and have three amazing children who are the center of my universe. I fell in love with the birth industry when I was pregnant with my first child back in 1997. I became a birth doula in 2001 and continue that rewarding work today. I also teach puberty workshops to 4th & 5th grade girls across San Diego County on Friday evenings, and I facilitate Blessingway Ceremonies. I was President of San Diego Birth Network from 2008 – 2011. I own Pregnancy Sanctuary in Encinitas where women 36 – 40 weeks along in their pregnancy come in for a one-on-one, 4-hour session where I nurture and pamper her with pregnancy art, emotional work, and various forms of relaxation. It is at my Pregnancy Sanctuary, a home-like atmosphere, where I also teach Sacred Pregnancy classes since 2013. I hope you’ll join the sisterhood of pregnant women that will be created for you ~ and by you ~ during your Sacred Pregnancy classes.

Episodes for this expert

  • The Blessingway: A Baby Shower Alternative

    The Blessingway ceremony is growing in popularity. This alternative to a baby shower is an opportunity for experienced moms to celebrate their pregnancy and the birth experience they plan to have with the people who love and support them the most.

  • Pampering Yourself During Pregnancy

    Pregnant women usually experience symptoms such a extreme fatigue, body aches, and nausea. You may also be on your feet all day at work or at home running around as you care for your other children. Bottom line: the world isn’t going to stop simply because you’re pregnant. What can you do to pamper yourself a bit so you can enjoy the experience more? We’ve got some great ideas to help relieve stress and improve your physical and emotional well being.

  • Childbirth Preparation Methods: Sacred Pregnancy

    In today’s western cultures, the typical pregnancy focuses on the baby to the exclusion of the woman herself. Sacred Pregnancy helps the pregnant woman journey within herself to prepare for the birth of her baby.

Additional Experts

Jen Varela

Baby Sleep Coach

Jennifer Moss

Baby Name Enthusiast

Jamie Brodie

Kids Yoga Instructor

Maureen Minchin

Lactation/ Health Educator

Bill Sannwald

Librarian/ Manager

Kristina Chamberlain

Nurse-Midwife, Lactation Consultant