Kelly Harkey


Dr. Kelly Harkey has more than 20 years experience in obstetrics and gynecology, having received his board certification in 1993. Dr. Harkey is currently the Medical Director of the Women and Newborns Care Line at Scripps Health.

Episodes for this expert

  • VBAC or Repeat C-Section?

    Your decision to have a VBAC or repeat cesarean is important. This episode will help inform you so you can understand the trade-offs, and weigh your own values and concerns so that you can come to a decision that is best for you and your baby.

Additional Experts

Nicole Morales


Mallory Millet

Infant Feeding Expert

Ruthii Slattum

Lactation Consultant/ Doula

Amy Kessler

Cloth Diaper Educator

Maya Smart

Parent Educator, Literacy Advocate and Author