Heather Lampron

Child Behavior Specialist

I grew up in Connecticut, the middle child of a big family. My sisters and brother are great friends of mine. My husband, Joe, is my best friend and an amazing life partner. Together, we have 3 great kids, and a sweet, blind dog and a hilarious seeing eye cat who tries to help her! I am passionate about ending child abuse and creating healthy families! I teach Positive Discipline and Redirecting Children's Behavior to support parents and teachers, and to provide tools and options. I am working toward instructor certification for a restorative justice process for educational agencies called Discipline That Restores. I don't have any classes scheduled this spring while I finish up school, but check my website for courses beginning in May 2014. After many years away from school, I returned this year, and I am loving it! I am a graduate student at SDSU, working on my MS in Counseling. I am an advocate for social justice, and equitable access to education for all students. We put on a great conference in February 2013, supporting Students, Saving Lives! For undergraduate degree, I attended USD in San Diego, and went to England to attend Oxford University as an exchange student.

Episodes for this expert

  • Toddlers and Tantrums

    Sudden meltdowns, kicking and screaming, head beating against the floor (or some other hard surface). If you’re the parent of the toddler, this is probably a regular occurrence in your home. So, are you supposed to just grin and bare it? We’ve got some tips to help when your tiny tot throws a tantrum.

Additional Experts

Helen Anderson

Nurse/Lactation Educator

Megan Franks

Physical Therapist

Jennifer Parra

Adoptive Mom

Jennifer McIsaac

Massage Therapist

Marla Hicks

Nurse/ Midwife

Natasha Sriraman
