Diana Sjostrom
Dr. Sjostrom has 40 years experience in private practice treating people struggling with depression, anxiety and stress related illnesses. She also treats couples, families and pre-marital relationships. She is a certified Bioenergetic Analyst. She analyzes and understands how the body is the outer-expression of the unconscious and how this can be related to health and relationship issues. She also works with women's issues related to pregnancy, birth, nursing and early childhood development. She works with individuals and couples to find resolution to unresolved body, emotional and thinking conflicts. She applies her body mind understanding to the core issues of each person in the marriage relationship and this gives a strong dimension to healing and conflict resolution. Her goal is to help people learn to be healthy, authentic and genuine. Dr. Sjostrom is also an adjunct Professor of Psychology at Point Loma Nazarene University where she is heart fully involved with her students and she is a mentor to many.
Episodes for this expert
Breastfeeding After Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse can greatly impact the breastfeeding relationship between you and your baby. What are the main signs of trauma? How can you overcome those emotions and create a positive experience? In this episode, you’ll meet sexual abuse survivors and hear what worked best for them.
Additional Experts
Cindy Furey
Physical Therapist
Nova Conte
Placenta Encapsulation Specialist/Doula
Eleata Donalson
NICU Nurse
Kristina Chamberlain
Nurse-Midwife, Lactation Consultant
Christie del Castillo-Hegyi
Emergency Physician
Julie Tupler
New York Magazine calls her the guru for pregnant women. She has been featured on many national television programs such as the Today Show, Regis & Kelly as well as in many fitness, medical, and women’s health magazines.
The Tupler Technique® is the only research based program to treat a diastasis recti (see Columbia Study). More research is now being conducted in the UK on the Tupler Technique® and diastasis recti.