Dagmara Scalise

Dagmara Scalise is a Chicago-based writer and parent of three children: three-year-old fraternal twins and a six-year-old. She is an award-winning healthcare journalist, researcher and former educator who has written many how-to guides for healthcare and business leaders. The volume level and the Scalise house has tripled since the twins were born and the author and her husband now have loads of gray hair. Scalise has also finally figured out how to leave the house in less than an hour for a 20-minute errand and is proud that her house no longer looks like a hospital nursery since all three kids are in big-kid beds.
Episodes for this expert
Annoying Questions About Twins (And How to Deal With It)
Going out in public with your twins in tow can be quite a challenge. What are some of the common questions asked? What’s the best way to respond to them?