Christine Gross-Loh


Christine is a mom to four kids (two boys and two girls), a freelance writer, author, and experienced speaker on parenting. Her fascination with global parenting began when she was a child, growing up the Korean-American daughter of immigrant parents in small-town Pennsylvania. Christine has a Ph.D from Harvard University in East Asian history, and she is a contributor to

Episodes for this expert

  • Exploring Parenting Styles from Other Countries

    Recent research indicates American kids today are falling short in terms of academic achievement, happiness, and wellness- when compared to the rest of the world. If that’s true, what can we learn from international parenting styles to improve the environments in which we raise our kids?

Additional Experts

Tara Zandvliet

Holistic Pediatrician

Dawn Dickerson

Lacation Consultant/ Yoga Instructor

Kimberly Durdin

Lactation Consultant/ Student Midwife

Susan Newman


Julie Tupler

New York Magazine calls her the guru for pregnant women. She has been featured on many national television programs such as the Today Show, Regis & Kelly as well as in many fitness, medical, and women’s health magazines.

The Tupler Technique® is the only research based program to treat a diastasis recti (see Columbia Study). More research is now being conducted in the UK on the Tupler Technique® and diastasis recti.

James Murphy
