Christina Baglivi Tinglof
Author and Blogger

As a freelance journalist for more than 20 years, Christina started her career as a travel writer. Her travel features have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Boston Herald, and Westways magazine. Her first travel guide, Northern Italy: A Taste of Trattoria, now out of print, was the inspiration for her new travel series, Chow Italy.
With the birth of her fraternal twin sons and then two years later, another son, her writing naturally expanded to parenting and family travel. Her parenting features have appeared in Twins magazine, LA Parent, Kids and Parents magazine. She's the author of five books on parenting and twinning including Double Duty: The Parents' Guide to Raising Twins, Parenting School-Age Twins and Multiples, and most recently, My Twin Pregnancy Week By Week: The Ultimate Planner for Moms Expecting Twins.
In 2004, she started TALK ABOUT TWINS, a website devoted to twins, twin relationships, parenting twins and their siblings.
Episodes for this expert
DNA Zygosity Testing for Twins
Ever wonder if your same-sex fraternal twins are really fraternal? Perhaps you’ve even considered DNA testing to determine if they are actually identical? So, what’s involved in the testing process? How accurate are the tests?