Amber McCann

Lactation Consultant

Amber McCann is an international board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC) whose interests involve connecting with families through social media channels and teaching others to do the same. She has provided guidance for a number of major birth and breastfeeding organizations. After maintaining a busy private practice in the Washington, DC suburbs and working with an innovative model of care at the Breastfeeding Center of Pittsburgh, she now provides marketing and communications guidance for the International Lactation Consultant Association. When she's not furiously tweeting or watching terrible reality TV, you can find her enjoying the fantastic restaurants of her new hometown of Pittsburgh and snuggling her three children.

Episodes for this expert

  • Breastfeeding and Dealing with Judgmental People

    Breastfeeding may be challenging at times, and it doesn’t help to have judgmental people critiquing your every move. How can a breastfeeding mom cope with these unsolicited comments without her self-esteem being squashed?

  • Low Milk Supply: Donor Milk, Milk Banks and Formula

    Breastfeeding mothers are sometimes faced with the dilemma of not being able to produce enough milk for their babies. If you have low milk supply, what are your options? What are the pros and cons for each option? And how do you make the best choice for you and your little one?

Additional Experts

Kristen Davis

Clinical Lactation Specialist

Laura Chambers

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Andrea J. Blanco


Marilyn Lewis

Marriage and Family Therapist

Elizabeth Caliva


Michelle Stulberger

Lactation Consultant