Alessandra Wall
Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Alessandra Wall is a clinical psychologist, a coach, and an international speaker. Over the past 15+ years, she has helped hundreds of people break through filters, overcome roadblocks, and build thriving personal and professional lives. She helps smart, professional women and forward-thinking companies bridge the gap between the way things are and the way they want them to be. Whether coaching professional women to gain confidence, overcome stress and achieve success in life, or working with forward-thinking, innovative companies to build better teams, better solutions, and a better bottom line, everything she does helps you bridge the gaps in your life and business, using solutions and strategies that are right for you.
Episodes for this expert
Back to Work After Twins: Finding Flexibility
Are you planning on returning to work after having twins? If so, how can you find flexibility in your existing job or in a new job that allows to you be the hands-on parent that you desire and still be a breadwinner? Our twin moms share their personal experiences!
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