Transcript: The Best Sleep Environment For Your Baby
The Best Sleep Environment For Your Baby
Please be advised, this transcription was performed from a company independent of New Mommy Media, LLC. As such, translation was required which may alter the accuracy of the transcription.
[Theme Music]
KRISTEN STRATTON: As new moms, we’re pretty much obsessed with our baby’s sleep schedule. But did you know your baby’s sleep environment plays an important role in determining how much he gets? Where exactly should your baby be sleeping? How should your baby be positioned and what items and should-and-shouldn’t be near him? Joining us today is Joyce Davis, President of Keeping Babies Safe. This is Newbies.
[Intro/Theme Music]
KRISTEN STRATTON: Welcome to Newbies, broadcasting from the Birth Education Center of San Diego. Newbies is your online, on-the-go support group guiding new mothers through their baby’s first year. I'm your host, Kristen Stratton. I’m a certified birth Doula, Postpartum Doula, VBAC Coach and owner of In Due Season Doula Services.
If you haven’t already, be sure to visit our website at and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. You can also subscribe to our show through iTunes so you’ll automatically get new episodes when they’re released. Sunny is here to tell us about other ways you can participate in the show.
SUNNY GAULT: Okay, hi everybody. Thanks for listening to Newbies. As you know, Newbies is a new show and we are wanting to create more episodes with topics that are really important to you guys. So we are relying on you guys to tell us what topics you want to learn more about. So a great way to do that is head on over to our website at and you can submit through the contact link in our website. That’s a great way to e-mail us.
Also, if you have any questions for the experts that have been on our show or any general questions about raising your baby or perhaps something you’re going through as a new mom, we have tons of experts that would love to answer your questions. So again go to our website.
Submit through that contact link and we’ll basically find an expert to answer your question. Then we’ll put your question in the answer together in an upcoming episode. Because odds are, if you have that question someone else out there has that question as well. So those are some fun ways you can participate.
[Theme Music]
SUNNY GAULT: All right, so before we kick off today’s show. Since we’re talking about the best sleep environment for your baby, I thought it would be fun to talk about an app that I found that I seemed to like. We’ll see if you guys like it too. It’s called Sleepy Sounds and you can find it on the iPhone and iPad. So it’s available on IOS. It is free and we love free apps.
It does have some ads in it but you can pay $1.99 to remove those ads. What I like about is: “I’m one of those people that when I download apps, I’m not big a fan of very complicated apps that can do 110,000 things.” I like very simple apps that I can go to for one or two maybe services you know that I need. So this is truly just an app that actually helps your baby go to sleep by using different noises.
So I have it here and I wanted to play some of these for you. So when you go to the main screen after you download it, there are some different categories that you can choose from. One is called: “Lullabies.” There’s another one for white noise. There’s another one for nature sounds. Then the final one is for your own music.
So for example, I’m clicking on lullabies now and you can choose how long you want it to go for. So a certain amount of minutes or have it long. Then if you don’t want to select an actual time, you can just click that it’s an infinite amount of time for like I don’t know how long this is going to take my baby to fall asleep. You just click the infinite or indefinite. Sorry. Indefinite and then click start. See if you can hear some of that sound. It’s pretty simple. Right? Is everybody getting sleepy right now?
KRISTEN STRATTON: I’m totally sleepy.
SUNNY GAULT: Yes, totally. What’s cool too is on the screen right now, it has some stars that are falling from the sky and it has this pretty colors. It’s basically putting Kristen and I through these poor hands.
KRISTEN STRATTON: This whole episode, I might be asleep halfway through.
SUNNY GAULT: Alright. Yes. So that’s the idea. Let’s see. Let’s go down to white noise here. Here’s one. Again, I’m going to put this on indefinite because I don’t know how long it’s going to take my baby to fall asleep. This is heavy rain.
KRISTEN STRATTON: That’s very nice!
SUNNY GAULT: It is, right? It’s like there’s a rainstorm outside. You know how you like to cuddle up under the blankets when it’s raining outside? It’s totally the same idea.
KRISTEN STRATTON: I think this is for parents too.
SUNNY GAULT: There’s one for nature sounds. So this is what a forest – you kind of hear the crickets.
KRISTEN STRATTON: I think I heard a woodpecker.
SUNNY GAULT: Was that a woodpecker?
KRISTEN STRATTON: I think it was or someone chopping down a tree hopefully not. It’s not very eco-friendly.
SUNNY GAULT: No, it’s really not is it? But anyway, so that give you an idea of the app. It’s really simple. That’s all it does. You just select what noise you want, the amount of time. There you go for your baby trying to get your baby for some little Zs. So Kristen, what do you think about this?
KRISTEN STRATTON: I like it. I personally use noise makers with my kids once they were sleeping through the night and not up all the time nursing. I thought that they slept better with some background noise just because sometimes the household is busy. So to drawn out me doing laundry or dad and I having the conversation, it’s nice to just give them some soothing noise.
Plus, I think about babies in the womb, how they hear the rush of mom’s blood and mom’s heart beating. So sometimes that can be soothing.
KRISTEN STRATTON: So I definitely don’t think it takes the place supervising your baby when they are sleeping or checking on your baby.
SUNNY GAULT: Of course.
KRISTEN STRATTON: But I think it’s good to provide maybe more soothing environment.
SUNNY GAULT: Joyce what do you think of an app like this? Do you think it’s something could help babies fall asleep and still in a safe manner?
JOYCE DAVIS: Yes, I agree. Yes, I think that sounds are terrific.
SUNNY GAULT: Alright, well if you guys want to check this out, we’re going to go ahead and put a link up on our website. Again it’s called Sleepy Sounds. It’s available for IOS. Check it out on
[Theme Music]
KRISTEN STRATTON: October is SIDS Awareness Month. Safer sleep environments can reduce the number of SIDS related deaths. So today on Newbies, we’re discussing: “How to create the ideal sleep environment for your baby.”
Our expert Joyce Davis is the president of Keeping Babies Safe, a nonprofit organization that provides education, assistance, advocacy and leadership on the development of safer children’s products and practices. Thanks so much for joining us Joyce and welcome to the show.
JOYCE DAVIS: Thanks for having me! I’m happy to be here.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Nationwide, how many babies are affected by unsafe sleeping practices?
JOYCE DAVIS: In 2014, there were close to 75,000 emergency rooms treated injuries with juvenile product for children under the age of five. Cribs, mattresses, play yards, play tents – they were the leading cause of death in very among all nursery products. It is a hazard if not used properly. It really is.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Okay Joyce, so let’s talk about the location of where your baby is sleeping. Skin to skin is recommended in hospitals for bonding. How come we safely do it at home?
JOYCE DAVIS: You know bonding is fine. Skin to skin bonding is fine. Obviously when your child is away for when you’re feeding your child honestly, the safest place for your baby to sleep is in his/her own crib in your room. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Consumer Products Safety Commission [inaudible] that as well. That it’s really safest for the baby to have their own crib in your room.
KRISTEN STRATTON: So what is the difference between co-sleeping or bed sharing? What is your professional opinion about baby sleeping in this type of environment?
JOYCE DAVIS: Yes, bed sharing is when obviously there could be multiple people in the bed with the infant. Co-sleeping is also – it is for trying on because some people view that as co-sleeping. But we try to educate and that hospitals are following this as well that you can put the baby in a crib – when it’s a new born, a basinet in your room right next to your bed so the baby has its own safe sleep environment.
Honestly, I know that there are advantages and disadvantages to both. We do recommend that they sleep in their own crib in your room. So it could be where many companies now make those cribs that attached to your bed. But the baby again is in his own sleep environment. We feel that-that is safer.
KRISTEN STRATTON: What about the various containers we use for our babies? Swings, basinets, pack and plays and car seats – what do we need to know about our baby’s falling asleep in these items?
JOYCE DAVIS: You know many babies poor asleep in car seats and swings. Obviously, if you’re watching your baby and on top of your baby you see that they fall asleep and nobody likes to wake a sleeping baby at dinner or children of my own. But again, when your baby is sleeping I can only say that so many times, the safest place is in his/her own crib.
A baby should not sleep in a car seat or swings. Babies are creatures of habit. The more-and-more research and the more we learn is that: “A baby is a creature of habit.” The way you put your baby in a car seat and they go asleep, they’re going to want to sleep there. Regarding play yards, we do not recommend babies sleep in a play yard. They are meant for baby to play in when they are in parental supervision.
One of the greatest mistakes a parent can make is to put a supplemental mattress, an adding mattress into a mesh sided play yards. We recommend and there are warning labels now on all play yards advising parents and caregivers to only use the mattress sold with the play yard. There are supplemental mattresses on your own suffocation hazard.
If you log on to, we produced two brand new videos where you can see the dangers of what happens when you add a thick mattress to a mesh side of the play yard. The baby’s head gets caught between because it’s soft sided. It [inaudible] and the baby’s head gets caught between the side of the mattress and the side of the play yard.
KRISTEN STRATTON: So then your recommendation would be to move the baby from whatever containment they’re in the swing, the basinet to the crib environment. Correct?
JOYCE DAVIS: Totally! Yes, correct. The crib is meant for sleeping.
KRISTEN STRATTON: So why are cribs the best environment for your child to sleep?
JOYCE DAVIS: In 2011, our country passed the strongest crib laws that our country have seen in over 30 years. These new crib laws make it mandatory that all cribs go to the third party testing and have more rigorous hardware and now safer. Part of that mandate for the new crib law, the drop-side cribs were banned. So families should never use a drop-side crib anymore.
If you’re not sure if your crib is safe or meets the new standards, you can log on to or check with the Obviously, all manufacturers and retailers are now selling cribs that will meet the new standards.
KRISTEN STRATTON: What factor should we consider when it comes to the environment outside a baby’s crib?
JOYCE DAVIS: Well, you should never place your baby next to a window. Never next to window blinds, strings or chords. That goes for baby monitors as well. The crib should be in the center of the room away from any ledge or any furniture, away from any wires.
KRISTEN STRATTON: What about people who hang pictures or letters with the baby’s name over the crib, is that something that they should have avoid doing as well?
JOYCE DAVIS: I wouldn’t put them directly over the baby just because if they fall, even if the baby can’t reach it obviously because they’re not standing. But I just want to make sure that they’re secure. What I tell people is: “Decorate the room not the crib.” You just want [inaudible] in the crib.”
SUNNY GAULT: You know one thing that we did because I have twins now that are almost two years old. So I’ve got a nursery that has two beds, two cribs in it. I really do like those wooden letters that you’re about Kristen but I was scared.
JOYCE DAVIS: Yes, my daughter has them too.
SUNNY GAULT: Right. But especially out here on California, we have earthquakes and stuff. Right? We’ve got a like really attached stuff to the wall and make sure everything’s always taken care of.
SUNNY GAULT: But one thing I did that I love that I would recommend to parents is: “They have those sticker letter things that you can put on the walls.” I actually ordered something from Etsy from a small shop on Etsy and had my girl’s names. It’s beautifully embroidered. But it’s literally just a sticker. It’s a huge sticker. It’s very sticky so it’s not going to fall off the wall or anything like that. It’s absolutely gorgeous.
Now I don’t have to worry. So above both of their cribs, they have their names in this beautiful cursive text matches their room perfectly. I don’t have to worry about anything falling on my baby.
JOYCE DAVIS: Yes that’s a great idea.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Yes Sunny. I did the same thing. You’re right, we have earthquakes here.
KRISTEN STRATTON: I just didn’t decorate. We altered the sense a lot nicer than mine. I just had barren walls.
JOYCE DAVIS: It is good that it’s a very simple idea. Decorate the room not the crib.
JOYCE DAVIS: If you feel that you have to have things for the crib, put it in when the baby’s not in the crib.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Yes, that’s a great tip. When we come back, we’ll learn more about: “What should go inside your baby’s crib and how to safely position your baby within the crib.” We’ll be right back.
[Theme Music]
KRISTEN STRATTON: Welcome back to the show. We’re talking with Joyce Davis about: “Safe sleeping practices for newborns and infants.” Joyce, so let’s talk about crib mattresses. What should parents look for?
JOYCE DAVIS: The mattresses should be firm and tight fitting. No more than two fingers between the side of the mattress and the crib. The crib and the mattress should need the new set of standards of 2012.
SUNNY GAULT: When it comes to mattresses, we’re talking about mattresses. There are a lot of different types of mattresses on the market. We see a lot of stuff for like organic mattresses and semi-soft and really soft or whatever. However they classify them, do you have any feedback on what might be safest for baby?
JOYCE DAVIS: I can’t tell you what’s safest but the best way for your baby to sleep is on his/her back. So even with these breathable mattresses, I know sometimes they show the baby on their tummy. A typically SIDS occurs typically between three and five months old and the baby needs to be on his/her back. Babies typically don’t start rolling over until their six months old. So whatever mattress you use, just make sure your baby is asleep on their back.
KRISTEN STRATTON: What about crib bedding? What should be used and what shouldn’t be used?
JOYCE DAVIS: There is best in the crib so by that we mean a firm mattress and always crib mattress sheet. Never use a twin mattress sheet. That’s very dangerous for a baby. So it should be a fitted crib sheet. We say no traditional crib bumpers, no pillows, no blankets, no comforters and no toys. They are as best in the crib.
SUNNY GAULT: They have those breathable bumpers. Do you have any feedback on that JOYCE?
JOYCE DAVIS: A lot of people like the vertical breathable bumpers. But again, there is no proof that the bumpers helped or protect the baby’s head. So we always say: “Decorate the room and not the crib.” If you feel you need the bumper, put the bumpers in when the baby’s not in the crib. But you do not those traditional heavy billowy bumpers are [inaudible]. I would not use those at all.
SUNNY GAULT: I always thought that it was so interesting that in those like if you buy those packets or like they kind of package everything together for you. They give you like this kind of comforter for a baby seriously.
JOYCE DAVIS: Why do they like?
SUNNY GAULT: Yes like I don’t really know what they use those for.
JOYCE DAVIS: We’ve been working with major retailers. I know in New Jersey and New York, a lot of the retailers have removed the bumpers and the comforters from those set.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Yes, it’s just so odd.
SUNNY GAULT: It is. It’s like what do you with that
KRISTEN STRATTON: Completely against the recommendations and yet I actually sew them and made them into a [inaudible] for the window.
SUNNY GAULT: So I didn’t waste the material. Yes.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Yes, put like a throw pillow on the glider.
KRISTEN STRATTON: So it wasn’t waste of material.
JOYCE DAVIS: Very nice.
JOYCE DAVIS: I know the Consumer Products Safety Commission is going to issue a statement about bumpers. So I would not use the tradition crib bumpers.
KRISTEN STRATTON: What about mobiles and toys? You mentioned it a little bit. But could you just expand on why those are not recommended?
JOYCE DAVIS: Yes. There should be nothing in the crib when the baby sleeps. You just obviously don’t want to hurt the baby or have anything in there that could be a suffocation hazard. The mobile – it’s fine when the baby’s awake or when you’re supervising the baby. But again, you don’t want something like that to pull and hurt the baby.
KRISTEN STRATTON: What about monitors or any sensors within the crib? Are they safe?
JOYCE DAVIS: Yes, they are safe. I know that it’s very comforting to parents. I use them. You just want to make sure that all the wires, electrical wires and all of that is away from the baby so that the baby cannot hurt themselves. But yes, I was a big fan of those monitors. They really helped me.
But again, that shouldn’t stop you from going in and checking your baby. Again making sure your baby asleep on his/her back and just make sure there’s no wires near the baby.
SUNNY GAULT: You know I’ve seen some stuff. I go to different expos every year. There’s always of course new baby products coming out. I’m seeing more-and-more products more like outfits or things your babies would be actually wearing that help monitor their breathing.
SUNNY GAULT: It’s connected to an app or something like that. I mean is that something and you don’t necessarily see wires and stuff. Do you have thoughts on that Joyce?
JOYCE DAVIS: Yes. Again there are so many different products out there now. Like sleep side that the baby doesn’t need a blanket and just keeps the baby comfortable and secure. I think those safe back guards are terrific for sleeping. I really don’t know much about the sleep sacks that have the monitors in them. But again if it’s just one piece then recommend one piece for the baby.
KRISTEN STRATTON: How should we dress our babies when they go to sleep? What should we consider?
JOYCE DAVIS: Sleep stuff or you know highly recommended. You don’t need a blanket for those. The baby should always be cool. So you don’t want to overdress your baby. We’re saying no blanket in the crib because he sleeps back to keep the baby warm.
KRISTEN STRATTON: What about swaddling? What’s the recommendation for that?
JOYCE DAVIS: Yes. I mean a lot of this sleep sacks now – everyone recommends swaddling. But when the baby goes to sleep, if you just put them in a sleep sack, the swaddling isn’t necessary. Some of these sleep sack have attached to it. It’s attached to the sleep sack so you could swaddle your baby’s arm. It’s hard for me to describe. But on the side of the baby so that again they’re sleeping in just one piece.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Yes, we loved those. Those were a big popular item in our home. Every time there is a blow out and we had to wash it, it was just a sad day until it was dry and we could use it again. So I definitely appreciated those. I’m really glad they were invented.
SUNNY GAULT: I think especially with new parents, I find that a lot of parents are kind of over like I don’t know. Putting too much clothing on their babies? I remember when I was a first time mom; I was just so scared my baby was always going to be cold because I have heard about them not being able to retain their body heat and all of these kinds of stuff.
So I know that’s kind of something to consider especially when it comes to SIDS and stuff as the baby get over heated. That’s kind of a bad thing. So those sleep sacks could definitely work. Then that’s one of those concern about with swaddling too is when they would get too hot. So I don’t know if they have breathable staff. That would interest me a little bit.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Yes they have like cotton materials for out here where it does get below zero. Then I’m sure if you are in the East Coast or somewhere in the Midwest, it was really, really cold.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Maybe you didn’t have good heat in your home or something then you would choose a different material.
KRISTEN STRATTON: So Joyce, what is the safest sleep position for baby?
JOYCE DAVIS: Always on their back without questions. Babies should always be put to sleep on their back.
KRISTEN STRATTON: What about when they are rolling, is that something that parents should worry about? Should they go in there in the middle of the night and flip them or should they just leave them as is?
JOYCE DAVIS: You know what? Once the baby is rolling, obviously they are payoff the high peak time of hopefully SID. Once the baby isn’t rolling, there’s nothing you can do. Because when a newborn before they were rolling, the heaviest part of the baby is their head. So that’s what makes it so dangerous because if a baby can’t roll over yet, they can’t move their head. So they can’t get out of a dangerous situation.
But obviously, that’s why you put your baby on their back. Once the baby’s rolling over then there’s nothing you could do; because the baby’s going to roll to their position where they’re comfortable.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Yes, that’s true. You can’t stop them. Once they start moving, there’s no stopping them.
SUNNY GAULT: I would go into my twins would always get there because they had chunky little legs. Their legs would get caught in the cribs.
SUNNY GAULT: They would really get stuck. It kind of hurt them.
KRISTEN STRATTON: I used to put oil on them to get them out.
SUNNY GAULT: Yes, seriously!
SUNNY GAULT: It made me thing: “I’m glad there’s nothing else is getting stuck there.” I mean their head’s too big. We won’t have to worry about that.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Any input on that Joyce as far as arms, legs – chunky arms and legs and stuff?
JOYCE DAVIS: Do you know what? Yes. A baby can get their arms or legs through but honestly, they’re not going to hurt themselves. The flat width is much more smaller these days than cribs today are the safest cribs we’ve seen in our country.
JOYCE DAVIS: So when used properly that is the safest place for your baby to sleep.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Thank you so much Joyce for chatting with us today about: “Safe sleeping practices for new babies.” For our Newbies Club Members, our conversation will continue after the end of the show.
Joyce will share important research about the prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome also known as SIDS. For more information about the Newbies Club, please visit our website at
[Theme Music]
SUNNY GAULT: So we have a question from one of our listeners. This comes from Erin McMillan.
Erin writes:
Hello Newbies! I have a question about my 10 week old daughter. She’s having a hard time napping for more than 45 minutes. She takes about four naps a day and at least half of these, she wakes up at around the 45 minute mark and will not settle back to sleep.
I allow about 1 ½ for her to nap and she would typically sleep this amount once or twice a day. She sleeps a stretch of about 10 hours at night, waking up once to feed. I have tried rocking her back to sleep, letting her cry and getting her up. She’s extremely fuzzy. Any advice would be great, thanks so much.
JEN VARELA: Hi Erin. This is Jen Varela from Sugar Night Night. I’m a Certified Gentle Sleep Coach located in San Diego, California. I work with families all over the country via Skype. Your question is excellent and one that I think many new moms are wondering and concerned about.
When their babies are fuzzy, their mothers want nothing more than to help a baby calm, secure and happy. You’re on the right track. Your question is: “Could your baby be over tired and over stimulated?”
In fact that’s first of why your baby’s crying. How do you know baby’s over tired or over stimulated? Whether it’s a normal nap for a new born to three months old, I say not normal if normal. A sleep greatly fluctuates during the first three months of life. It would look different for each baby.
Schedule them for baby’s [inaudible] but the inner clock makes to dictate the schedule. A newborn baby three months of age, nap link will vary. Your baby may have subtle long naps each day or maybe five or six of irregular length. I found that in my practice, it’s not into closer to six months of age that you could see a visible schedule to the baby’s sleep. So how do you know what is like to your baby, here’s two questions to ask.
First, how much sleep is your getting in a 24-hour period time. The National Sleep Foundation as of this 2015 recommends that: “Newborns to three months of age get between 14 and 17 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. It sounds like your baby’s getting two naps equaling 1 ½ each, two naps equaling 45 minutes and then a 10-hour stretch at night.
My total shows your sleep little one is averaging 15 hours in the 24 hours which is within the normal recommendation of sleep averages. So good job! If you are keeping a log of your baby’s nap and night sleep, you’ll be able to track if you baby is getting enough sleep. So if it’s not that your baby is short on sleep then what else could it be?
Second question to ask is: “Is your baby sleep in the right place?” It’s okay to let your baby’s sleep pattern evolve on their own. But you want to make sure that you’re providing the opportunity to sleep in the right place and not making their sleep window. I found out that back to Doctor Polly Moore’s Approach is excellent. That is the scientifically recorded but simple to use.
Go for the title of: “The 90-Minutes Baby’s Sleep Program.” The basic concept is that as humans, our brains go to the [inaudible] in activity cycle in 90 minute increment. This is most significant for the baby’s first year of life. So just by providing your baby the opportunity to sleep again after having been awake for 90 minutes, you’re working with their brains natural rhythm in providing sleep pressure.
For approach of called NAPS, N-A-P-S
Standing for:
N Note the time of your baby’s last awakening
A Add 90 minutes
P Playing for two other activities with your baby during that time
S Sooth your baby back to sleep
So every 90 minutes of awake time, sooth your baby back to sleep again. Be encourage that in time as your baby matures, the sleep rhythms develop sure naps, full stretches the longer one. That time will start earlier, the number of night awakenings will decrease and your baby will start to follow a schedule.
The last tip would be: “If your baby is nearing three months of age and you’re finding that the awake time between last nap and 10 PM bed time is really a fuzzy period then consider moving the bed time earlier.” A good window for bed time is between 6 PM and 7 PM. Be sure to treat any awakening after bed time the same as you were ensuring an awakening.
Your baby’s bedtime maybe changing and they are no longer capable of the evening naps. Thank you for your great questions and I wish you many nights of sweet sleep.
[Theme Music]
KRISTEN STRATTON: That wraps up our show for today. We appreciate you listening to Newbies.
Don’t forget to check out our sister shows:
• Preggie Pals for expecting parents
• Parent Savers for moms and dads with infants and toddlers
• The Boob Group for moms who breastfeed
• Twin Talks for parents of multiples.
Thanks for listening to Newbies: “Your go-to source for new moms and new babies.”
This has been a New Mommy Media production. The Information and material contained in this episode are presented for educational purposes only. Statements and opinions expressed in this episode are not necessarily those of New Mommy Media and should not be considered facts. Well such information and materials are believe to be accurate, it is not intended to replace or substitute for professional, medical or advise or care and should not be used for diagnosing or treating health care problem or disease or prescribing any medications. If you have questions or concerns regarding your physical or mental health or the health of your baby, please seek assistance from a qualified health care provider.
SUNNY GAULT: New Mommy Media is expanding our line up of shows for new and expecting parents. If you have an idea for a new series or if you’re a business or organization interested in joining our network of shows through a co-branded podcast, visit .
[End of Audio]
Episode Transcript
The Best Sleep Environment For Your Baby
Please be advised, this transcription was performed from a company independent of New Mommy Media, LLC. As such, translation was required which may alter the accuracy of the transcription.
[Theme Music]
KRISTEN STRATTON: As new moms, we’re pretty much obsessed with our baby’s sleep schedule. But did you know your baby’s sleep environment plays an important role in determining how much he gets? Where exactly should your baby be sleeping? How should your baby be positioned and what items and should-and-shouldn’t be near him? Joining us today is Joyce Davis, President of Keeping Babies Safe. This is Newbies.
[Intro/Theme Music]
KRISTEN STRATTON: Welcome to Newbies, broadcasting from the Birth Education Center of San Diego. Newbies is your online, on-the-go support group guiding new mothers through their baby’s first year. I'm your host, Kristen Stratton. I’m a certified birth Doula, Postpartum Doula, VBAC Coach and owner of In Due Season Doula Services.
If you haven’t already, be sure to visit our website at and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. You can also subscribe to our show through iTunes so you’ll automatically get new episodes when they’re released. Sunny is here to tell us about other ways you can participate in the show.
SUNNY GAULT: Okay, hi everybody. Thanks for listening to Newbies. As you know, Newbies is a new show and we are wanting to create more episodes with topics that are really important to you guys. So we are relying on you guys to tell us what topics you want to learn more about. So a great way to do that is head on over to our website at and you can submit through the contact link in our website. That’s a great way to e-mail us.
Also, if you have any questions for the experts that have been on our show or any general questions about raising your baby or perhaps something you’re going through as a new mom, we have tons of experts that would love to answer your questions. So again go to our website.
Submit through that contact link and we’ll basically find an expert to answer your question. Then we’ll put your question in the answer together in an upcoming episode. Because odds are, if you have that question someone else out there has that question as well. So those are some fun ways you can participate.
[Theme Music]
SUNNY GAULT: All right, so before we kick off today’s show. Since we’re talking about the best sleep environment for your baby, I thought it would be fun to talk about an app that I found that I seemed to like. We’ll see if you guys like it too. It’s called Sleepy Sounds and you can find it on the iPhone and iPad. So it’s available on IOS. It is free and we love free apps.
It does have some ads in it but you can pay $1.99 to remove those ads. What I like about is: “I’m one of those people that when I download apps, I’m not big a fan of very complicated apps that can do 110,000 things.” I like very simple apps that I can go to for one or two maybe services you know that I need. So this is truly just an app that actually helps your baby go to sleep by using different noises.
So I have it here and I wanted to play some of these for you. So when you go to the main screen after you download it, there are some different categories that you can choose from. One is called: “Lullabies.” There’s another one for white noise. There’s another one for nature sounds. Then the final one is for your own music.
So for example, I’m clicking on lullabies now and you can choose how long you want it to go for. So a certain amount of minutes or have it long. Then if you don’t want to select an actual time, you can just click that it’s an infinite amount of time for like I don’t know how long this is going to take my baby to fall asleep. You just click the infinite or indefinite. Sorry. Indefinite and then click start. See if you can hear some of that sound. It’s pretty simple. Right? Is everybody getting sleepy right now?
KRISTEN STRATTON: I’m totally sleepy.
SUNNY GAULT: Yes, totally. What’s cool too is on the screen right now, it has some stars that are falling from the sky and it has this pretty colors. It’s basically putting Kristen and I through these poor hands.
KRISTEN STRATTON: This whole episode, I might be asleep halfway through.
SUNNY GAULT: Alright. Yes. So that’s the idea. Let’s see. Let’s go down to white noise here. Here’s one. Again, I’m going to put this on indefinite because I don’t know how long it’s going to take my baby to fall asleep. This is heavy rain.
KRISTEN STRATTON: That’s very nice!
SUNNY GAULT: It is, right? It’s like there’s a rainstorm outside. You know how you like to cuddle up under the blankets when it’s raining outside? It’s totally the same idea.
KRISTEN STRATTON: I think this is for parents too.
SUNNY GAULT: There’s one for nature sounds. So this is what a forest – you kind of hear the crickets.
KRISTEN STRATTON: I think I heard a woodpecker.
SUNNY GAULT: Was that a woodpecker?
KRISTEN STRATTON: I think it was or someone chopping down a tree hopefully not. It’s not very eco-friendly.
SUNNY GAULT: No, it’s really not is it? But anyway, so that give you an idea of the app. It’s really simple. That’s all it does. You just select what noise you want, the amount of time. There you go for your baby trying to get your baby for some little Zs. So Kristen, what do you think about this?
KRISTEN STRATTON: I like it. I personally use noise makers with my kids once they were sleeping through the night and not up all the time nursing. I thought that they slept better with some background noise just because sometimes the household is busy. So to drawn out me doing laundry or dad and I having the conversation, it’s nice to just give them some soothing noise.
Plus, I think about babies in the womb, how they hear the rush of mom’s blood and mom’s heart beating. So sometimes that can be soothing.
KRISTEN STRATTON: So I definitely don’t think it takes the place supervising your baby when they are sleeping or checking on your baby.
SUNNY GAULT: Of course.
KRISTEN STRATTON: But I think it’s good to provide maybe more soothing environment.
SUNNY GAULT: Joyce what do you think of an app like this? Do you think it’s something could help babies fall asleep and still in a safe manner?
JOYCE DAVIS: Yes, I agree. Yes, I think that sounds are terrific.
SUNNY GAULT: Alright, well if you guys want to check this out, we’re going to go ahead and put a link up on our website. Again it’s called Sleepy Sounds. It’s available for IOS. Check it out on
[Theme Music]
KRISTEN STRATTON: October is SIDS Awareness Month. Safer sleep environments can reduce the number of SIDS related deaths. So today on Newbies, we’re discussing: “How to create the ideal sleep environment for your baby.”
Our expert Joyce Davis is the president of Keeping Babies Safe, a nonprofit organization that provides education, assistance, advocacy and leadership on the development of safer children’s products and practices. Thanks so much for joining us Joyce and welcome to the show.
JOYCE DAVIS: Thanks for having me! I’m happy to be here.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Nationwide, how many babies are affected by unsafe sleeping practices?
JOYCE DAVIS: In 2014, there were close to 75,000 emergency rooms treated injuries with juvenile product for children under the age of five. Cribs, mattresses, play yards, play tents – they were the leading cause of death in very among all nursery products. It is a hazard if not used properly. It really is.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Okay Joyce, so let’s talk about the location of where your baby is sleeping. Skin to skin is recommended in hospitals for bonding. How come we safely do it at home?
JOYCE DAVIS: You know bonding is fine. Skin to skin bonding is fine. Obviously when your child is away for when you’re feeding your child honestly, the safest place for your baby to sleep is in his/her own crib in your room. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Consumer Products Safety Commission [inaudible] that as well. That it’s really safest for the baby to have their own crib in your room.
KRISTEN STRATTON: So what is the difference between co-sleeping or bed sharing? What is your professional opinion about baby sleeping in this type of environment?
JOYCE DAVIS: Yes, bed sharing is when obviously there could be multiple people in the bed with the infant. Co-sleeping is also – it is for trying on because some people view that as co-sleeping. But we try to educate and that hospitals are following this as well that you can put the baby in a crib – when it’s a new born, a basinet in your room right next to your bed so the baby has its own safe sleep environment.
Honestly, I know that there are advantages and disadvantages to both. We do recommend that they sleep in their own crib in your room. So it could be where many companies now make those cribs that attached to your bed. But the baby again is in his own sleep environment. We feel that-that is safer.
KRISTEN STRATTON: What about the various containers we use for our babies? Swings, basinets, pack and plays and car seats – what do we need to know about our baby’s falling asleep in these items?
JOYCE DAVIS: You know many babies poor asleep in car seats and swings. Obviously, if you’re watching your baby and on top of your baby you see that they fall asleep and nobody likes to wake a sleeping baby at dinner or children of my own. But again, when your baby is sleeping I can only say that so many times, the safest place is in his/her own crib.
A baby should not sleep in a car seat or swings. Babies are creatures of habit. The more-and-more research and the more we learn is that: “A baby is a creature of habit.” The way you put your baby in a car seat and they go asleep, they’re going to want to sleep there. Regarding play yards, we do not recommend babies sleep in a play yard. They are meant for baby to play in when they are in parental supervision.
One of the greatest mistakes a parent can make is to put a supplemental mattress, an adding mattress into a mesh sided play yards. We recommend and there are warning labels now on all play yards advising parents and caregivers to only use the mattress sold with the play yard. There are supplemental mattresses on your own suffocation hazard.
If you log on to, we produced two brand new videos where you can see the dangers of what happens when you add a thick mattress to a mesh side of the play yard. The baby’s head gets caught between because it’s soft sided. It [inaudible] and the baby’s head gets caught between the side of the mattress and the side of the play yard.
KRISTEN STRATTON: So then your recommendation would be to move the baby from whatever containment they’re in the swing, the basinet to the crib environment. Correct?
JOYCE DAVIS: Totally! Yes, correct. The crib is meant for sleeping.
KRISTEN STRATTON: So why are cribs the best environment for your child to sleep?
JOYCE DAVIS: In 2011, our country passed the strongest crib laws that our country have seen in over 30 years. These new crib laws make it mandatory that all cribs go to the third party testing and have more rigorous hardware and now safer. Part of that mandate for the new crib law, the drop-side cribs were banned. So families should never use a drop-side crib anymore.
If you’re not sure if your crib is safe or meets the new standards, you can log on to or check with the Obviously, all manufacturers and retailers are now selling cribs that will meet the new standards.
KRISTEN STRATTON: What factor should we consider when it comes to the environment outside a baby’s crib?
JOYCE DAVIS: Well, you should never place your baby next to a window. Never next to window blinds, strings or chords. That goes for baby monitors as well. The crib should be in the center of the room away from any ledge or any furniture, away from any wires.
KRISTEN STRATTON: What about people who hang pictures or letters with the baby’s name over the crib, is that something that they should have avoid doing as well?
JOYCE DAVIS: I wouldn’t put them directly over the baby just because if they fall, even if the baby can’t reach it obviously because they’re not standing. But I just want to make sure that they’re secure. What I tell people is: “Decorate the room not the crib.” You just want [inaudible] in the crib.”
SUNNY GAULT: You know one thing that we did because I have twins now that are almost two years old. So I’ve got a nursery that has two beds, two cribs in it. I really do like those wooden letters that you’re about Kristen but I was scared.
JOYCE DAVIS: Yes, my daughter has them too.
SUNNY GAULT: Right. But especially out here on California, we have earthquakes and stuff. Right? We’ve got a like really attached stuff to the wall and make sure everything’s always taken care of.
SUNNY GAULT: But one thing I did that I love that I would recommend to parents is: “They have those sticker letter things that you can put on the walls.” I actually ordered something from Etsy from a small shop on Etsy and had my girl’s names. It’s beautifully embroidered. But it’s literally just a sticker. It’s a huge sticker. It’s very sticky so it’s not going to fall off the wall or anything like that. It’s absolutely gorgeous.
Now I don’t have to worry. So above both of their cribs, they have their names in this beautiful cursive text matches their room perfectly. I don’t have to worry about anything falling on my baby.
JOYCE DAVIS: Yes that’s a great idea.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Yes Sunny. I did the same thing. You’re right, we have earthquakes here.
KRISTEN STRATTON: I just didn’t decorate. We altered the sense a lot nicer than mine. I just had barren walls.
JOYCE DAVIS: It is good that it’s a very simple idea. Decorate the room not the crib.
JOYCE DAVIS: If you feel that you have to have things for the crib, put it in when the baby’s not in the crib.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Yes, that’s a great tip. When we come back, we’ll learn more about: “What should go inside your baby’s crib and how to safely position your baby within the crib.” We’ll be right back.
[Theme Music]
KRISTEN STRATTON: Welcome back to the show. We’re talking with Joyce Davis about: “Safe sleeping practices for newborns and infants.” Joyce, so let’s talk about crib mattresses. What should parents look for?
JOYCE DAVIS: The mattresses should be firm and tight fitting. No more than two fingers between the side of the mattress and the crib. The crib and the mattress should need the new set of standards of 2012.
SUNNY GAULT: When it comes to mattresses, we’re talking about mattresses. There are a lot of different types of mattresses on the market. We see a lot of stuff for like organic mattresses and semi-soft and really soft or whatever. However they classify them, do you have any feedback on what might be safest for baby?
JOYCE DAVIS: I can’t tell you what’s safest but the best way for your baby to sleep is on his/her back. So even with these breathable mattresses, I know sometimes they show the baby on their tummy. A typically SIDS occurs typically between three and five months old and the baby needs to be on his/her back. Babies typically don’t start rolling over until their six months old. So whatever mattress you use, just make sure your baby is asleep on their back.
KRISTEN STRATTON: What about crib bedding? What should be used and what shouldn’t be used?
JOYCE DAVIS: There is best in the crib so by that we mean a firm mattress and always crib mattress sheet. Never use a twin mattress sheet. That’s very dangerous for a baby. So it should be a fitted crib sheet. We say no traditional crib bumpers, no pillows, no blankets, no comforters and no toys. They are as best in the crib.
SUNNY GAULT: They have those breathable bumpers. Do you have any feedback on that JOYCE?
JOYCE DAVIS: A lot of people like the vertical breathable bumpers. But again, there is no proof that the bumpers helped or protect the baby’s head. So we always say: “Decorate the room and not the crib.” If you feel you need the bumper, put the bumpers in when the baby’s not in the crib. But you do not those traditional heavy billowy bumpers are [inaudible]. I would not use those at all.
SUNNY GAULT: I always thought that it was so interesting that in those like if you buy those packets or like they kind of package everything together for you. They give you like this kind of comforter for a baby seriously.
JOYCE DAVIS: Why do they like?
SUNNY GAULT: Yes like I don’t really know what they use those for.
JOYCE DAVIS: We’ve been working with major retailers. I know in New Jersey and New York, a lot of the retailers have removed the bumpers and the comforters from those set.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Yes, it’s just so odd.
SUNNY GAULT: It is. It’s like what do you with that
KRISTEN STRATTON: Completely against the recommendations and yet I actually sew them and made them into a [inaudible] for the window.
SUNNY GAULT: So I didn’t waste the material. Yes.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Yes, put like a throw pillow on the glider.
KRISTEN STRATTON: So it wasn’t waste of material.
JOYCE DAVIS: Very nice.
JOYCE DAVIS: I know the Consumer Products Safety Commission is going to issue a statement about bumpers. So I would not use the tradition crib bumpers.
KRISTEN STRATTON: What about mobiles and toys? You mentioned it a little bit. But could you just expand on why those are not recommended?
JOYCE DAVIS: Yes. There should be nothing in the crib when the baby sleeps. You just obviously don’t want to hurt the baby or have anything in there that could be a suffocation hazard. The mobile – it’s fine when the baby’s awake or when you’re supervising the baby. But again, you don’t want something like that to pull and hurt the baby.
KRISTEN STRATTON: What about monitors or any sensors within the crib? Are they safe?
JOYCE DAVIS: Yes, they are safe. I know that it’s very comforting to parents. I use them. You just want to make sure that all the wires, electrical wires and all of that is away from the baby so that the baby cannot hurt themselves. But yes, I was a big fan of those monitors. They really helped me.
But again, that shouldn’t stop you from going in and checking your baby. Again making sure your baby asleep on his/her back and just make sure there’s no wires near the baby.
SUNNY GAULT: You know I’ve seen some stuff. I go to different expos every year. There’s always of course new baby products coming out. I’m seeing more-and-more products more like outfits or things your babies would be actually wearing that help monitor their breathing.
SUNNY GAULT: It’s connected to an app or something like that. I mean is that something and you don’t necessarily see wires and stuff. Do you have thoughts on that Joyce?
JOYCE DAVIS: Yes. Again there are so many different products out there now. Like sleep side that the baby doesn’t need a blanket and just keeps the baby comfortable and secure. I think those safe back guards are terrific for sleeping. I really don’t know much about the sleep sacks that have the monitors in them. But again if it’s just one piece then recommend one piece for the baby.
KRISTEN STRATTON: How should we dress our babies when they go to sleep? What should we consider?
JOYCE DAVIS: Sleep stuff or you know highly recommended. You don’t need a blanket for those. The baby should always be cool. So you don’t want to overdress your baby. We’re saying no blanket in the crib because he sleeps back to keep the baby warm.
KRISTEN STRATTON: What about swaddling? What’s the recommendation for that?
JOYCE DAVIS: Yes. I mean a lot of this sleep sacks now – everyone recommends swaddling. But when the baby goes to sleep, if you just put them in a sleep sack, the swaddling isn’t necessary. Some of these sleep sack have attached to it. It’s attached to the sleep sack so you could swaddle your baby’s arm. It’s hard for me to describe. But on the side of the baby so that again they’re sleeping in just one piece.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Yes, we loved those. Those were a big popular item in our home. Every time there is a blow out and we had to wash it, it was just a sad day until it was dry and we could use it again. So I definitely appreciated those. I’m really glad they were invented.
SUNNY GAULT: I think especially with new parents, I find that a lot of parents are kind of over like I don’t know. Putting too much clothing on their babies? I remember when I was a first time mom; I was just so scared my baby was always going to be cold because I have heard about them not being able to retain their body heat and all of these kinds of stuff.
So I know that’s kind of something to consider especially when it comes to SIDS and stuff as the baby get over heated. That’s kind of a bad thing. So those sleep sacks could definitely work. Then that’s one of those concern about with swaddling too is when they would get too hot. So I don’t know if they have breathable staff. That would interest me a little bit.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Yes they have like cotton materials for out here where it does get below zero. Then I’m sure if you are in the East Coast or somewhere in the Midwest, it was really, really cold.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Maybe you didn’t have good heat in your home or something then you would choose a different material.
KRISTEN STRATTON: So Joyce, what is the safest sleep position for baby?
JOYCE DAVIS: Always on their back without questions. Babies should always be put to sleep on their back.
KRISTEN STRATTON: What about when they are rolling, is that something that parents should worry about? Should they go in there in the middle of the night and flip them or should they just leave them as is?
JOYCE DAVIS: You know what? Once the baby is rolling, obviously they are payoff the high peak time of hopefully SID. Once the baby isn’t rolling, there’s nothing you can do. Because when a newborn before they were rolling, the heaviest part of the baby is their head. So that’s what makes it so dangerous because if a baby can’t roll over yet, they can’t move their head. So they can’t get out of a dangerous situation.
But obviously, that’s why you put your baby on their back. Once the baby’s rolling over then there’s nothing you could do; because the baby’s going to roll to their position where they’re comfortable.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Yes, that’s true. You can’t stop them. Once they start moving, there’s no stopping them.
SUNNY GAULT: I would go into my twins would always get there because they had chunky little legs. Their legs would get caught in the cribs.
SUNNY GAULT: They would really get stuck. It kind of hurt them.
KRISTEN STRATTON: I used to put oil on them to get them out.
SUNNY GAULT: Yes, seriously!
SUNNY GAULT: It made me thing: “I’m glad there’s nothing else is getting stuck there.” I mean their head’s too big. We won’t have to worry about that.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Any input on that Joyce as far as arms, legs – chunky arms and legs and stuff?
JOYCE DAVIS: Do you know what? Yes. A baby can get their arms or legs through but honestly, they’re not going to hurt themselves. The flat width is much more smaller these days than cribs today are the safest cribs we’ve seen in our country.
JOYCE DAVIS: So when used properly that is the safest place for your baby to sleep.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Thank you so much Joyce for chatting with us today about: “Safe sleeping practices for new babies.” For our Newbies Club Members, our conversation will continue after the end of the show.
Joyce will share important research about the prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome also known as SIDS. For more information about the Newbies Club, please visit our website at
[Theme Music]
SUNNY GAULT: So we have a question from one of our listeners. This comes from Erin McMillan.
Erin writes:
Hello Newbies! I have a question about my 10 week old daughter. She’s having a hard time napping for more than 45 minutes. She takes about four naps a day and at least half of these, she wakes up at around the 45 minute mark and will not settle back to sleep.
I allow about 1 ½ for her to nap and she would typically sleep this amount once or twice a day. She sleeps a stretch of about 10 hours at night, waking up once to feed. I have tried rocking her back to sleep, letting her cry and getting her up. She’s extremely fuzzy. Any advice would be great, thanks so much.
JEN VARELA: Hi Erin. This is Jen Varela from Sugar Night Night. I’m a Certified Gentle Sleep Coach located in San Diego, California. I work with families all over the country via Skype. Your question is excellent and one that I think many new moms are wondering and concerned about.
When their babies are fuzzy, their mothers want nothing more than to help a baby calm, secure and happy. You’re on the right track. Your question is: “Could your baby be over tired and over stimulated?”
In fact that’s first of why your baby’s crying. How do you know baby’s over tired or over stimulated? Whether it’s a normal nap for a new born to three months old, I say not normal if normal. A sleep greatly fluctuates during the first three months of life. It would look different for each baby.
Schedule them for baby’s [inaudible] but the inner clock makes to dictate the schedule. A newborn baby three months of age, nap link will vary. Your baby may have subtle long naps each day or maybe five or six of irregular length. I found that in my practice, it’s not into closer to six months of age that you could see a visible schedule to the baby’s sleep. So how do you know what is like to your baby, here’s two questions to ask.
First, how much sleep is your getting in a 24-hour period time. The National Sleep Foundation as of this 2015 recommends that: “Newborns to three months of age get between 14 and 17 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. It sounds like your baby’s getting two naps equaling 1 ½ each, two naps equaling 45 minutes and then a 10-hour stretch at night.
My total shows your sleep little one is averaging 15 hours in the 24 hours which is within the normal recommendation of sleep averages. So good job! If you are keeping a log of your baby’s nap and night sleep, you’ll be able to track if you baby is getting enough sleep. So if it’s not that your baby is short on sleep then what else could it be?
Second question to ask is: “Is your baby sleep in the right place?” It’s okay to let your baby’s sleep pattern evolve on their own. But you want to make sure that you’re providing the opportunity to sleep in the right place and not making their sleep window. I found out that back to Doctor Polly Moore’s Approach is excellent. That is the scientifically recorded but simple to use.
Go for the title of: “The 90-Minutes Baby’s Sleep Program.” The basic concept is that as humans, our brains go to the [inaudible] in activity cycle in 90 minute increment. This is most significant for the baby’s first year of life. So just by providing your baby the opportunity to sleep again after having been awake for 90 minutes, you’re working with their brains natural rhythm in providing sleep pressure.
For approach of called NAPS, N-A-P-S
Standing for:
N Note the time of your baby’s last awakening
A Add 90 minutes
P Playing for two other activities with your baby during that time
S Sooth your baby back to sleep
So every 90 minutes of awake time, sooth your baby back to sleep again. Be encourage that in time as your baby matures, the sleep rhythms develop sure naps, full stretches the longer one. That time will start earlier, the number of night awakenings will decrease and your baby will start to follow a schedule.
The last tip would be: “If your baby is nearing three months of age and you’re finding that the awake time between last nap and 10 PM bed time is really a fuzzy period then consider moving the bed time earlier.” A good window for bed time is between 6 PM and 7 PM. Be sure to treat any awakening after bed time the same as you were ensuring an awakening.
Your baby’s bedtime maybe changing and they are no longer capable of the evening naps. Thank you for your great questions and I wish you many nights of sweet sleep.
[Theme Music]
KRISTEN STRATTON: That wraps up our show for today. We appreciate you listening to Newbies.
Don’t forget to check out our sister shows:
• Preggie Pals for expecting parents
• Parent Savers for moms and dads with infants and toddlers
• The Boob Group for moms who breastfeed
• Twin Talks for parents of multiples.
Thanks for listening to Newbies: “Your go-to source for new moms and new babies.”
This has been a New Mommy Media production. The Information and material contained in this episode are presented for educational purposes only. Statements and opinions expressed in this episode are not necessarily those of New Mommy Media and should not be considered facts. Well such information and materials are believe to be accurate, it is not intended to replace or substitute for professional, medical or advise or care and should not be used for diagnosing or treating health care problem or disease or prescribing any medications. If you have questions or concerns regarding your physical or mental health or the health of your baby, please seek assistance from a qualified health care provider.
SUNNY GAULT: New Mommy Media is expanding our line up of shows for new and expecting parents. If you have an idea for a new series or if you’re a business or organization interested in joining our network of shows through a co-branded podcast, visit .
[End of Audio]
