Need a nutritious pick-me-up food to help you conquer your busy day? Food plays an important role in your overall breastfeeding experience. Learn more about the nutrients needed to maintain your milk supply, as well as possible supplements to help with your daily diet.
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Research shows many couples struggle in their relationship during the early days of parenthood. How can you get past some of the most common challenges? And what are some signs that you should seek professional counseling to address deeper issues?
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It's been around for centuries, but babywearing is making a big comeback! Why is babywearing so important and how can it help simplify your life as a new parent? Plus, which type of carrier is right for you?
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Breast is always best for your newborn baby. But, there may be times when you're away from your baby and need some expressed breast milk. What types of breast pumps are available to you? We'll explain the basic features so you can determine what to put on your baby registry.
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As new mothers, we can be a little too obsessed about fitting back into our pre-pregnancy clothes. As it turns out, having a little extra fat on your body may be its way of protecting both you and your baby.
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When your maternity leave comes to an end many women stress about the work life balance when becoming a mother
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Bathtime can be fun, but it can also be a scary place if you aren't taking precautions to help protect your child. Today, we'll explore some tips to help keep your kids safe, all while having fun and teaching them valuable lessons to help make them self-sufficient.
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People are naturally curious about twins. As a twin parent, you've probably heard all the common questions people ask. This episodes explores fascinating facts about your twins that you might not know.
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Think you're pregnant? Nausea is one of the first pregnancy symptoms you may notice, and it could stay with you for awhile. So, what actual causes morning sickness? What types of foods and vitamins help make you feel better? Plus, our panelists share how they coped with morning sickness during their pregnancies.
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For many new moms, breastfeeding and sleep go hand-in-hand. And it can sometimes be challenging to find the best blend to ensure your baby gets the best nutrition while still allowing you some much-needed shut-eye. Hear what worked for our mamas!
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