Body Changes During Pregnancy

Your body goes through many changes during pregnancy. This series explores what's happening within your body to help grow your baby and prepare you for motherhood. Learn more about the placenta, uterus and more.
Your body goes through many changes during pregnancy. This series explores what's happening within your body to help grow your baby and prepare you for motherhood. Learn more about the placenta, uterus and more.
For many women, the process of how you labor with your baby is extremely important, and can even help you better manage your pain. Do you want your baby to born at home, or perhaps be born in water? Learn more about your choices!
Need to register for your childbirth class? Whether you’re having a natural birth or a medically-assisted birth, there are several ways you can prepare for your baby's birth. We'll explore the different types of childbirth preparation methods for labor and delivery.
Regardless of how you deliver your baby, you will need to rely on a team of health care providers to help you along the way. How can a doula be your biggest supporter? What’s the difference between midwifery care and hiring an obstetrician? What options are available?
Are you curious how big your developing baby is, what your baby looks like as it grows inside you, and when you’ll feel it move? This series explores fetal development in the first, second, third and even fourth trimester!
We spend most of our lives trying NOT to get pregnant. And for some, the process of actually becoming pregnant isn’t as easy as what happens in the romance novels. How exactly do our bodies become pregnant? And what options do we have for increasing the chances of uniting those fast swimming sperm desperately searching… Continue Reading
If you’re pregnant, you’ve probably already noticed some major changes to your body. Sometimes those changes can lead to major pain throughout your first, second and third trimester. In this series, we’ll explore natural ways to remedy your aches and pains associated with pregnancy.
We know keeping your body healthy during pregnancy is extremely important. How can exercise improve your overall pregnancy and help prepare you for labor and delivery? And what are some great ways to get the benefits of exercise without needing a gym pass?
Your baby is on the way, so making your baby registry is top priority. But what do babies really need? And with so many options, how do you know which products are best for you and your baby? We breakdown the main items added to most baby registries.