15+ Staycation Ideas for Families with Young Children

If you have been looking for fun ways to spend time with your family without traveling far, you have come to the right place. A staycation might be just what you need. 

A staycation is like a vacation, but you get to stay either at home or somewhere close by. It is a great way to relax, have fun, and make memories without the stress of travel. 

In this article, we’ll highlight some exciting staycation ideas that are perfect for families with young children. Let’s get right to it, shall we? 

Why Choose a Staycation?

Before we dive into ideas, let's talk about why staycations are great:

  • Save money on travel and hotels
  • No packing or unpacking
  • Sleep in your own comfortable beds
  • No jet lag or travel fatigue
  • Support local businesses
  • Discover new things about your area

Now, let's look at some fun staycation ideas!

1. Backyard Camping Adventure

Transform your backyard into a campsite. Here are a few ideas to help you pull this off: 

  • Set up a tent or make a blanket fort
  • Roast marshmallows (use your oven if you can't have a fire)
  • Tell stories under the stars
  • Have a scavenger hunt
  • Make s'mores
  • Use flashlights to create shadow puppets

2. Indoor Beach Day

Bring the beach to your living room. Here’s how to do it: 

  • Spread out beach towels
  • Wear swimsuits and sunglasses
  • Play beach volleyball with a balloon
  • Build sandcastles with kinetic sand
  • Have a picnic lunch with beach-themed foods
  • Watch a tropical-themed movie

3. Home Spa Day

Pamper the whole family. Here are a few ideas for this: 

  • Give each other manicures and pedicures
  • Make face masks with natural ingredients
  • Have a relaxing bubble bath
  • Do yoga or gentle stretching together
  • Listen to calming music
  • Serve healthy smoothies

4. Museum at Home

Create your own museum experience. There are lots of ways to do this: 

  • Choose a theme (art, science, history)
  • Make exhibits with items from around your house
  • Create informational signs for each exhibit
  • Take turns being the tour guide
  • Make tickets and have a gift shop

5. Culinary World Tour

Explore different cultures through food. Here’s some inspiration: 

  • Choose a country for each day
  • Cook traditional dishes together
  • Learn a few words in that country's language
  • Watch videos about the country's culture
  • Listen to music from that country
  • Dress up in clothes inspired by that culture

6. Outdoor Movie Night

Create a backyard cinema. Here are a few ideas to help you pull this off: 

  • Hang a white sheet for a screen
  • Use a projector or large TV
  • Set up comfy seating with blankets and pillows
  • Make popcorn and movie snacks
  • Have intermission with games or stretches

7. Indoor Olympics

Host your own family games:

  • Create different events (pillow toss, sock sliding, etc.)
  • Make medals or trophies
  • Have an opening and closing ceremony
  • Keep score and announce winners

8. Nature Exploration Week

Discover the natural world around you. You can: 

  • Go on daily nature walks
  • Start a bug collection
  • Press flowers and leaves
  • Make bird feeders
  • Plant a small garden
  • Learn to identify local plants and animals

9. Arts and Crafts Festival

Get creative together:

  • Try a new craft each day (painting, clay modeling, origami)
  • Display your creations in a home art gallery
  • Host an “art opening” with snacks
  • Take turns teaching each other new skills

10. Time Travel Adventure

Explore different time periods. Here are a few ideas to help you pull this off: 

  • Choose a different era each day
  • Dress up in clothes from that time
  • Try activities from that period
  • Watch documentaries about the era
  • Make food that was popular then

11. Superhero Training Camp

Become superheroes for the week:

  • Create superhero costumes and identities
  • Set up an obstacle course for training
  • Make healthy “power foods”
  • Do good deeds around the house and neighborhood
  • Create comic books about your adventures

12. Science Experiment Week

Turn your home into a lab:

  • Do a different experiment each day
  • Keep a science journal of observations
  • Watch science shows or documentaries
  • Visit online science museums
  • Have a science fair at the end of the week

13. Build-a-Fort Day

Create the ultimate fort:

  • Use blankets, pillows, and furniture
  • Make different rooms (sleeping area, play area)
  • Have meals in the fort
  • Read stories by flashlight
  • Sleep in the fort overnight

14. Virtual World Tour

Travel the world from your living room:

  • Use virtual tours to explore famous places
  • Try foods from different countries
  • Learn basic phrases in various languages
  • Watch travel shows about different cultures
  • Make a scrapbook of your “travels”

15. Family Game Show

Host your own game shows:

  • Create trivia questions about family history
  • Play charades or Pictionary
  • Have a talent show
  • Make up silly challenges
  • Award prizes for winners

Tips for a Successful Staycation

  1. Plan ahead: Decide on activities before your staycation starts.
  2. Unplug: Limit screen time (except for planned activities).
  3. Involve everyone: Let each family member choose an activity.
  4. Keep it relaxed: Don't overschedule – leave time for rest.
  5. Document memories: Take photos or keep a family journal.
  6. Create a special atmosphere: Use decorations or change room layouts.
  7. Stick to a budget: Plan affordable activities to avoid stress.

Adapting for Different Ages

  • For babies: Focus on sensory activities and lots of cuddle time.
  • For toddlers: Include plenty of movement and hands-on activities.
  • For preschoolers: Add more structured games and creative projects.
  • For older kids: Involve them in planning and give them more independence in activities.

More Helpful Articles

As you plan your family staycation, you might find these other articles on our blog useful:

The insights in these articles will not only help enhance your staycation activities but also help you make the most of your family time at home.

Final Thoughts

Staycations are a wonderful way to spend quality time with your family without the hassle of travelling. As you can see from the examples above, with a little creativity, you can turn your home into a fun-filled adventure land for your children. 

At the end of the day, though, the most important part of a staycation is being together and making memories. So don't worry if things don't go perfectly. In fact, sometimes the unplanned moments are the most fun! 

By trying new activities each time, you might discover new family favorites that you can enjoy all year round. So, get ready to have an amazing staycation right in the comfort of your own home! Good luck!