Tyson Perez

Pediatric Chiropractor

Dr. Tyson Perez is a board certified Prenatal/Pediatric Chiropractor practicing at Elevation Family Chiropractic in Carlsbad, CA. Specializing in pediatric and prenatal care, Dr. Tyson sees patients for a variety of challenges including breech or transverse presentations, autism (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), sensory processing disorder (SPD), ear infections, asthma, allergies and constipation. He can be contacted by phone at 760.730.7315, by email at Chiro4Kids@icloud.com or through his website.

Episodes for this expert

  • Webster Technique for Turning Your Breach Baby

    Your due date is quickly approaching and you just found out your baby is breach. The Webster Technique is one approach used by chiropractors that can help turn your baby around so you can have the vaginal birth you planned. Learn more about the process, the cost and what’s involved.

Additional Experts

Peter Kerin

Certified Professional Childproofer

Jamie Shamonki

Cord Blood/Tissue Banking

Jen Kamel

Founder, VBAC Facts

Gretchen Mallios

Clinical Social Worker

Kiran Saluja

PHFE WIC Program

Kimberly Bianco

Childbirth Educator/ Lactation Consultant