Kristen Noriega
Registered Dietician
Kristen Noriega is the busy mom's go-to for non-diet weight loss and creating a healthy family culture. As a registered dietitian nutritionist, she has been working with moms for over seven years. She is a mom of four littles, military spouse and Catholic-Christian. You can find Kristen on the Baby Weight Nutritionist Podcast, where she drops helpful tips to seamlessly fit fun foods, really good nutrition, and movement that lights you up into the cracks of your day.
Episodes for this expert
Easy Nutrition Tips for New Moms
What are some simple steps you can take to eat healthier during this busy season of life?
Additional Experts
Brent Keime
Chunjai Clarkson
Carrie Bruno
Registered Nurse, IBCLC
Jean Chan
Pediatric Dentist
Lara Audelo
Lactation Educator Counselor
April Kelly
Founder of Infant Formula Startup