Ruth Newton
Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Newton is a licensed clinical psychologist specialized in the use of attachment and affect regulation theories in interventions from birth through adulthood. Dr. Newton trains and supervises master’s and doctoral level interns in attachment, affect regulation, and developmental theories and interventions at St. Vincent de Paul Village's Therapeutic Childcare program. She has been a member of the Allan Schore Los Angeles Study Group for Interpersonal Neurobiology since 2004.
Dr. Newton is the author of The Attachment Connection designed to help parents raise secure, emotionally regulated children and is the originator of Integrative Regulation Therapy (iRT), a neurobiological evidence-informed limbic system scaffolding used for observation, assessment, and interventions for all ages. Dr. Newton is the founder and director of the Newton Center for Affect Regulation (NCAR) and has developed an iRT training program for clinicians entitled Scaffolding the Brain.
Dr. Newton is endorsed by the California Center for Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health as an Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist and Reflective Practice Facilitator III/Mentor. For more information, visit
Episodes for this expert
Delayed Postpartum Depression: Toddler Transition
Caring for a toddler is both an exciting and challenging adventure, for any parent. If you’re struggling with postpartum depression or another postnatal mood disorder, this transition may seem completely overwhelming. So, how can you better prepare yourself? How do you manage your child’s temper tantrums when you might be on the verge of doing the same thing yourself? We’ll explore some tips to help give you more structure to help both you and child feel more secure.