Choosing Your Health Care Provider: Pediatrician

You're in the process of picking out your dream team when it comes to pregnancy and birthing your baby. But what about picking a pediatrician to help care for your baby? That's right! Choosing your pediatrician is highly recommended prior to your baby's birth! How do you find a pediatrician that's right for your family? What important questions should you ask them? And what type of care can you expect shortly after delivering your baby?

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Episode Transcript

The Preggie Pals
Choosing Your Health Care Provider: Pediatrician


Please be advised, this transcription was performed from a company independent of New Mommy Media, LLC. As such, translation was required which may alter the accuracy of the transcription.

[Theme Music]

FREDERICK JOHNSON: You’ve chosen your OB, your hospital and maybe even your doula, but have you selected a pediatrician for your new baby? Where do expectant parents even begin when selecting a pediatrician? I’m Doctor Frederick Johnson, Board Certified Pediatrician. Today, we’re discussing: “How to choose your pediatrician.” This is Preggie Pals.

[Intro/Theme Music]

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Welcome to Preggie Pals, broadcasting from the Birth Education Center in San Diego. Preggie Pals is your online, on the go support group for expecting parents and those hoping to become pregnant. I’m your host Stephanie Glover. We’ve covered topics for every phase of pregnancy. Visit the episode guide on our website to scroll through those topics.

You can listen directly on your computer through iTunes or download our free apps available on the Android, iTunes and the Windows Marketplace. Be sure to check out our new network app where you can listen to all your favorite New Mommy Media Shows on-the-go. Here’s Sunny with more information about how you can get involved with Preggie Pals.

SUNNY GAULT: Okay. So we are planning out future episodes and we would love to know what you guys are interested in? What are the topics that you guys want to learn more about? So you can send us an e-mail through our website and let us know what topics are important to you.

We also have a bunch of different segments that you can participate in. So one for example is our “Pregnancy Oops” segment where you share funny things that have happened to you during your pregnancy. We also like to review apps here on Preggie Pals. So if you have an app that you use sometime during pregnancy that really helped you out, we’d love to know about that so we can talk about it as well. Let’s see. What’s another good one?

In general, we just like to hear from you guys. So if you guys have comments about the show or suggestions for us, you can send us an e-mail. Another great way to reach out to us is through our voice mail and that number is 619-866-4775. Call it and perhaps you’ll even make it on the show. Let us take that little clip and put it right in the show.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Thank you Sunny.


STEPHANIE GLOVER: Let’s get to know the panelists. I’ll go ahead and start with introductions. Again, my name is Stephanie Glover. I am the host of Preggie Pals. I am also a trained child birth educator. I am 33, who cares? After 30, I have no idea. I have two daughters. Gretchen is four and she was my C-Section baby and Lydia is two and she was my VBAC. Shayla?

SHAYLA GROVES: I’m Shayla Groves and I’m 34. I’m a graphic designer and I have one child, a nine month old son named Henry. He was a natural hypnobirth delivered in the hospital with a midwife.


SUNNY GAULT: Okay. So I beat you guys in age. So I’m Sunny and I’m producing today’s show. I am 37. My husband is turning 40 this coming week. So that’s a pretty big milestone for us. I feel like when he turns an age, I turn that age because I hang out with him all the time. So you’re kind of who you hang-out with. So I feel like I’m turning 40.

So anyways, I’ve got four kids of my own. My oldest is five and then I have a three year old. I have a twins that are about to turn two.


[Theme Music]

SUNNY GAULT: So before we start today’s show. We’re going to talk about a news headline. This is from a headline maker who is always in the news. I kind of was back and forth with: “Should we talk about her?” Because Lord knows that other people are giving her plenty of publicity. We’re going to talk about good old Kim Kardashian and her pregnancy. So she, as of we’re recording this episode said: “She has six weeks to go.” She said, “She is up 52 pounds.” So she gained 52 pounds on her pregnancy and she’s tweeting about it.

I wonder to kind of get you guys take on this. Obviously, everyone is just following her around. Granted she had the reality show and we know more about her life than most people’s lives; if you follow all of that. So obviously, people are going to be interested in her pregnancy.

But she twitted this and she talked about this and I kind of want to get your take on what she said. Okay, so she wrote this on her website. She says: “I’m going to keep it real. For me, pregnancy is the worst experience of my life LOL. I don’t enjoy one moment of it and I don’t understand people who enjoy it.” She went on to say: “Swelling, blah-blah-blah.” She kind of gives some examples of it and the fact that she has to wear diapers for two months after she gave birth and all this stuff.

She does follow up a disclaimer. She does follow up at the end by saying: “Really, it is worth it when you hold your precious baby in the end blah-blah-blah.” So what do you guys think about this? Because when I read it, I don’t know. I just feel like – I’m all about being real with people but to make a claim that it’s her worst experience of her life, there’s a lot of little – I don’t want to say little kids.

Okay, but there’s a lot of people that are of child-bearing age that are probably interested. God knows why and what this woman has to say. So I don’t know. What do you guys think about it?

STEPHANIE GLOVER: I guess I’m kind of two-sided. One, that she has the opportunity. She’s got like the microphone. She can say whatever and people hang on the words, right?


STEPHANIE GLOVER: Unfortunately, I guess if that was her experience then it is what it is. We’ve talked off line that you and I both enjoyed being pregnant. So I can t can understand the other side of it. Swelling? Okay, fine. I was swollen with my first. Yes, there are things that maybe aren’t a fun about it. It wasn’t the worst experience.

Now if you have certain illnesses when you’re pregnant, I can totally get it. But I don’t know. I try not to pay too much attention to what she says. It certainly doesn’t affect anything I do in my life. I mean at the end of the day, I just

FREDERICK JOHNSON: I think it all goes back to: “Why you are getting pregnant in the first place?”

SUNNY GAULT: If that’s the case?



FREDERICK JOHNSON: I mean I think a lot of us have pregnancies because we want to have children.


FREDERICK JOHNSON: So like the oldest person in the room has whatever you just said

STEPHANIE GLOVER: No. No. Let’s not tell them my bad jokes.

FREDERICK JOHNSON: But I think in her case, maybe I think we can all agree that there might be a slight amount of narcissism.


FREDERICK JOHNSON: I think that’s evident in her statement.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Yes. This is her second pregnancy too.

SUNNY GAULT: Yes and that’s when she says at the end: “I know from experience holding your baby is worth it.” But I feel like, I don’t know if people are going to take that away from it. That’s the take-away.


SUNNY GAULT: I think people – the headline is basically Kim Kardashian hates her pregnancy. Pregnancy is totally worth it because I love my baby. That’s not the headline. So I guess that’s my concern. Shayla, what do you think?

SHAYLA GROVES: Gosh! Kim Kardashian. Yes, it totally wasn’t my experience. I loved being pregnant. But maybe if I was in the public eye like Kim Kardashian is and everyone was seeing me gain all the weight and seeing how swollen my feet and face were – maybe it would be miserable. I was kind of in a fishbowl and everybody was watching. But I don’t know. She seems to eat up all the attention.


STEPHANIE GLOVER: That’s why she’s 52 now.

SUNNY GAULT: Yes, I know. I know. I think sometimes you kind of got to watch what you say a little bit. She goes: “That’s the danger of Twitter.” People come on!

STEPHANIE GLOVER: I’m of a completely different mindset where I think that pregnancy and child birth is just amazing, miraculous, a rite of passage and something a woman should really celebrate and look forward to and own.

SUNNY GAULT: But you’re in the industry.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Yes. I’m a total

SUNNY GAULT: You’re a birth nerd.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: I’m a hippy, a naked hippy. I mean but it just goes to show the different takes on it.


FREDERICK JOHNSON: Then once the baby comes, she can hand it off to her

SUNNY GAULT: To a nanny.


SUNNY GAULT: So you know no poopie hands here.

[Theme Music]

STEPHANIE GLOVER: We’re continuing our series on how to choose your care providers. Today we will discuss how to choose your baby’s pediatrician even before your baby arrives. Joining us here on the studio is Doctor Frederick Johnson, Board Certified Pediatrician. Welcome to Preggie Pals Doctor Johnson.

FREDERICK JOHNSON: Thank you. Good to be back.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: So expectant parents are flooded with pregnancy and child birth information and resources. But some may not know that it’s even advised to select your pediatrician before birth. So why is that? Why should you choose a doctor before you give birth?

FREDERICK JOHNSON: Well, I think you spend so much time coming up with a birth plan, choosing your doula, your hospital, your obstetrician. You also have to come up with a life plan for your baby which means: “Once it’s born, now what?”

Hopefully, no disrespect to obstetricians or anesthesiologists but they are with you for nine months, 10 months and hopefully, your pediatrician is with you for 18 years. So who really spends more time with you?

SUNNY GAULT: That’s true.


SUNNY GAULT: I didn’t even know so I did my child birth classes. I just did a two-day child birth class from the hospital that I was going to deliver at. I didn’t even know until I took that class that I was supposed to, I have already looked for a pediatrician. Then, I freaked out.


SUNNY GAULT: I was like, they’re like: “Well, who’s your pediatrician?” I’m like: “I don’t know whoever they assigned to my baby.”

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Well, just like Doctor Johnson said though, I was so consumed with getting the baby out and everything about growing the baby and getting into it, I was just like: “Okay, when it’s here, I’ll figure out what to do with.” I felt like maxed out.

So I remember feeling very stressed. I never even knew it was a thing. So and then it gets important to talk about beforehand.

FREDERICK JOHNSON: I think too in your birth plan, if you’re just trying to keep everything as simple as possible for you as I tell expectant parents, “There’s only two ways the baby is going to come out.”


FREDERICK JOHNSON: It’s either vaginally or by C Section. So everything else you do helps emotionally etcetera but keep it simple.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Yes, definitely. Now at what point in pregnancy should you start deciding who your pediatrician is going to be? When should you be thinking about that?

FREDERICK JOHNSON: I think if everything is going fine and it’s a term baby probably somewhere around 32 to 34 weeks.


FREDERICK JOHNSON: I think if you know that you’re going to have twins or more, then four weeks earlier.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Right. Now Sunny, did you find your pediatrician in advance then because the class told you, “You should.”

SUNNY GAULT: No. They told me, “I should.”

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Right. She is a rebel.

SUNNY GAULT: They told me: “I should.” I’m with a pretty large medical care provider. So I don’t know. I felt like I had enough stuff going on. It’s just like: “It’s going to work itself out. This is going to work.”

But like you said, I was concerned about the pain in labor. That’s the only thing I could really focus on. I thought: “If I’m around all these people in the hospital afterward, when I have some time to kind of figure that other stuff out – so my priority was definitely on the labor.”

STEPHANIE GLOVER: How about you Shayla?

SHAYLA GROVES: I did choose my pediatrician in advance. I think it was maybe around my 30 week OB appointment. When I went in to the doctor, they asked: “Have you selected your pediatrician yet?” I knew that was something I needed to do but I don’t know. At 30 weeks, I wasn’t really thinking about it either.

So as soon as they brought it up, I started sort of doing some research and we did choose our pediatricians in advance and let the hospital know who it was. So that when our son was born they could call the pediatrician and let her know that she had a new patient.

FREDERICK JOHNSON: Is this your first baby that you did this with?


FREDERICK JOHNSON: So how did you come up with the criteria for this pediatrician?

SHAYLA GROVES: Well, we lived in a rural mountain town, so they aren’t really many options to narrow it down. So I made it a lot easier than if we were living in a big city and have a lot of choices. But in the town that we live in, there are really only two practices that are affiliated with the hospital where we delivered.

I just had the two practices to look at. I started by asking my friends where they took their kids and if they were happy with them. I’ve got some good feedback that way and honestly, my friends that were most helpful were people that worked in the medical profession. So my friends that were nurses or pharmacists because they had a little bit of inside knowledge I guess about the practices and were able to kind of tell me some inside secrets I guess. So that was helpful.

Then from there, we met with the pediatricians from the practice that we’re in and just have to make sure that we are comfortable with all of the doctors there. Then ultimately, choose the pediatricians we would hire her first choice. So that was how we went about it. I’m sure like I said in the bigger city, it would be a more expensive process when you have a lot more options.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Doctor Johnson, how do you usually recommend that people go about finding the pediatrician?

FREDERICK JOHNSON: Well, you know nowadays, you have to be somewhat realistic and realize that insurance drives some of this. So you want to make sure that it’s a pediatrician who’s affiliated with a hospital you’re delivering in – hopefully, someone on your coverage. Then that’s sort of shortens your list.

Then you can go to that list and find out the things you want to know about a pediatrician:

• Their office
• Their office hours
• What happens after hours?
• What sort of back up is there?
• Do they kind of emotionally fit you?

Sometimes parents were more – how can we put it? Type A. May not appreciate a care provider who’s kind of laid back. They want them to at least appreciate that they write everything down.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: For me anyway, with any care provider I choose, I need the energy to match.



STEPHANIE GLOVER: You have to kind of vibe with the person or it’s just never going to work.


STEPHANIE GLOVER: You mentioned something interesting about choosing a pediatrician that’s affiliated with the hospital that you deliver in, why is that important?

FREDERICK JOHNSON: Well hopefully, there are a lot of different hospitals in the coverage. But someone who will be there when you deliver as opposed to somebody who might be covering for them etcetera. If they’re not on your panel, then you’re going to have to find somebody who is on your panel at that hospital. I know if that just made sense.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Well actually, I had experience. With my first, I selected a pediatrician who is in a different hospital network than where I ended up delivering. I remember asking her, “So what happens because I know you’re not going to be making rounds at my delivery? So you’re just going to see I guess like the hospital or the pediatrician that’s in rotation and then just see me for that first appointment?”

So that’s what we did. But then I ended up delivering my second at her hospital and sort of forget about it. She walked into my room like two hours after and I was like: “It’s my pediatrician. Yes.” That’s right. You are at this hospital.

FREDERICK JOHNSON: Now one thing I can say, “No matter where you deliver, somebody will see your baby – who that is, depends on the hospital.”


SUNNY GAULT: That’s been my experience. Actually, I didn’t even know until this conversation that you could have that experience where your pediatrician walks in shortly after birthing your baby because with our medical group, it is just like what Doctor Johnson said, “People are doing rounds.”

A pediatrician comes in but it is and until now after I had my first child then all of my other kids just kind of filed under the same pediatrician, right? But I didn’t even know this was possible. This was mind boggling to me you guys.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: It was kind of nice too because if you’ve end up with some sort of circumstance or maybe you don’t make it to your own hospital, someone will see your baby.


SUNNY GAULT: Yes, totally.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: You just don’t have the option.




FREDERICK JOHNSON: Speaking as a pediatrician, it’s nice for us too because we take care of baby one sometimes two, three, four, five, six. Each time you come in the room after the next delivery, it’s like family.


FREDERICK JOHNSON: So you don’t have to go through a lot of hi, how are you? I’m so-and-so and introduction. It’s sort of like, “Well, what’s the name?”

SUNNY GAULT: Isn’t that your grandma’s name?


STEPHANIE GLOVER: It is so true though. It felt really warm and fuzzy. For a brief moment, I thought: “She’s visiting me. How nice! Wait, you work here?” Yes, I feel very close with my pediatrician.

SUNNY GAULT: That’s so cool you guys. I’m all sad. I didn’t get this experience that you’re talking about.


SHAYLA GROVES: You have to have another one.



SUNNY GAULT: Let’s go for number five. I don’t know about that.


SUNNY GAULT: I know you do.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Yes, what’s wrong with that? So actually, I think it came out when Shayla mentioned. But meeting with pediatricians, so you are allowed then to meet with pediatricians to interview them?


STEPHANIE GLOVER: Can you meet in person, over the phone? How does that usually work?

FREDERICK JOHNSON: Well, that might be one criterion in your selection if you ask the pediatrician or call their office, so you like to meet with them before I deliver and they say: “Well, we don’t do that.”

SUNNY GAULT: Right, yes.

FREDERICK JOHNSON: But otherwise, the way we do it in our group is: You call. You make the appointment. It’s called, “Meet the doctor visit.” There’s no charge for it.


FREDERICK JOHNSON: You get to not only talk to the parent about again, office hours and availability but sort of show them around the office that if you call in for advice or something, this is who you’re going to be talking to. It just works out so much better.

So you kind of know:

• What you’re getting yourself into?
• What the office even looks like?
• Is it well kept?
• Is it quote “monitored?
• Is it spacious?
• Are people nice?

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Do they hand out stickers after? This is very important for my children.


SUNNY GAULT: Fish like a fish tank is also helpful.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: We have a fish tank as well – it’s very important. Yes. Now Sunny, did you interview several?

SUNNY GAULT: No. I was just


SUNNY GAULT: I was just willing to do damage control if I didn’t like the pediatrician they assigned.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Okay, so you just after birth then you selected one and you just went with it?

SUNNY GAULT: Right. Everything was determined with my first born.


SUNNY GAULT: Because after we had one, I was taking one.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Of course, yes.

SUNNY GAULT: But it was in the same medical group. But I guess it wasn’t actually in the hospital though. So same medical group but one was good 30 miles away; where I take my son for a pediatrician appointments is a good 30 minutes away from the hospital I delivered at.

So even though again, same medical group – maybe that’s why you know he didn’t come in to say: “Welcome twins!” Did I answer your question?

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Yes. I mean I was thinking about it.

SUNNY GAULT: Did I plan? No.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: That’s your question. Sunny did not plan. I think I met with two and it was the second one that I felt really comfortable with. The first one I think I just mortified my husband with some questions that came out of my mouth that I wasn’t anticipating in. Yes, poor guy. I don’t know if I should share them or not.


STEPHANIE GLOVER: We’ll save it for the next section because I think it will be more applicable. But yes, I just ended up feeling it more with my second interview. Then I was happy that I did take the time to meet with them.

But we were, I felt pretty rushed because we didn’t do our child birth classes until I was maybe 35 weeks pregnant. So we didn’t select a pediatrician probably until like two weeks before we give birth.


STEPHANIE GLOVER: It was a little bit rushed but it worked out. When we come back, we’ll discuss: “What questions to ask when interviewing pediatricians?” We’ll be right back.

[Theme Music]

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Welcome back. Today we’re discussing: “How to choose your pediatrician?” Board certified pediatrician, Doctor Frederick Johnson is our expert. So in the first half of the show, we learned about, “How expectant parents can interview pediatricians.” But we wanted to talk a little bit more about what questions we should asked during that meet-the-doctor visit.

Doctor Johnson, you had mentioned about: Office procedures, hours.” How might those differ a little bit and what questions should a parent ask about those?

FREDERICK JOHNSON: Well, you want to try and find an office that aligns with your schedule. It’s a lot more people who work at home now; maybe it’s not such a big deal. But if you’re working eight to eight and so is your husband or partner – thank you.

I was looking for the right word. You want to try and find out, “Do they have extended hours?” There’s a lot more offices now that may work until eight in the evening or on Saturdays and does that fit your schedule better?

Also, of course if it’s two in the morning and you have a question or you think there’s something urgent, “Who do you call? Who do you talk to?” Do you have a chance to talk to a doctor or is it triage through nursing?


FREDERICK JOHNSON: Then office procedures, if you have a boy, do you want them circumcised in the hospital or in the office?

STEPHANIE GLOVER: There’s like so many places just do that differently now too. Some hospitals will do it, sometimes its outpatient.

FREDERICK JOHNSON: Sometimes it comes down to your insurance again.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Interesting! Okay.

FREDERICK JOHNSON: Those are the kind of things you want to really kind of know. Again, you’re speaking about feeling connected to that person. Does it seem like somebody who’s flexible? Not everyone’s going to have the same ideas about vaccinations or

SUNNY GAULT: Breastfeeding.

FREDERICK JOHNSON: Yes. What support can they offer you if you have those questions. So I was thinking about this before I came today. I said, “It’s almost like choosing a puppy.”

SUNNY GAULT: Okay, explain. Who is ever the cutest and fuzziest?

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Who doesn’t bite my ankles?

FREDERICK JOHNSON: Yes. Who has the right temperament? Is it someone that you can train?

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Like a Chihuahua, St. Bernard?


Again, it depends on:

• Do you want someone who’s going to give you a lot of information?
• Is it somebody who can accept that you got a lot of information off the internet right-or-wrong?
• How do you address that?

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Shayla, what were some important questions for you? You said that you met with some of the pediatricians in the practice?

SHAYLA GROVES: Yes, I did. Before I went, I sort of like googled around to see if I could find like any good resources so that I wouldn’t have to re-invent the questions. I actually found a great interview sheet – I think it was Three Baby Center. I just download it and that’s what I took with me.

It covered a lot of the basic questions that Doctor Johnson’s already mentioned as far as like hours and all of that. I think I also asked: “Is the pediatrician had any subspecialties outside of pediatrics?” Know if they have children themselves because I felt more comfortable if they did.

Then if there were any parenting books and other resources that they could recommend with that would help us if we have a child or with just baby care in general. So I found that the checklist that were online were pretty comprehensive and thorough. That was a good guide to start with.

Another important question for us, we delivered at the community hospital like a suddenly within a rural kind of mountain town. Our community hospital is going like 25 [inaudible]. It doesn’t have any NICU or anything like that.

So I wanted to know if we were expecting any complications but if complications that arise and our baby wasn’t helping when he was born and needed additional care, what the protocol was for getting them to a hospital that could provide with more extensive care than what our hospital was able to offer.

Unfortunately, we didn’t have to go that route but it was good to have that kind of conversation with the pediatrician in advance. She said that we could plan and knew what the plan would be. We have to make those calls in the middle of such a situation. Those were some of the questions we asked.


STEPHANIE GLOVER: Yes, that’s awesome. One of the questions – okay, so this is where it gets a little funny for me. I didn’t realize that pediatrician saw children up to age 18.


STEPHANIE GLOVER: Because I don’t remember seeing a pediatrician probably pass seven. I think I just went to a family doctor when I was younger. So this was fascinating to me in our first interview. I knew we were having a girl. So I just started asking. I said – my poor husband. Poor guy!

I just kind of look at her and said: “Did you do pelvic exams?” She said: “Well, there are some new schools and my husband now just kind of like – why are we talking about gynecological stuff?” I’m like: “I don’t know. Teenagers, 17 years I don’t know. Maybe she needs a pelvic exam.”

Then somehow, I was just nervous and I start rambling on about asking about birth control. My poor husband and he is in denial because he’s having a girl. He just didn’t want to hear with it. But I think it was great that I asked those questions because this doctor kind of had a little bit of attitude with me.

Perhaps, I just needed to like be venting and a little wacky to sort of see that this wasn’t the right doctor for us. But yes, I’m cutting the story a little short. But needless to say, my husband was shaking his head the whole elevator ride down. But I just didn’t know that they went to age 18.


STEPHANIE GLOVER: They were even saying: “If they want to see us in college too, we’ll take them.” So that’s what just really interesting.

SUNNY GAULT: I saw my pediatrician through my college years because I didn’t go that often. So I was like 22 to 23 or so. We’re still walking into the waiting room with the fish.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Getting your sticker after, you had your lollipop.


STEPHANIE GLOVER: Well, that’s smart. You don’t get all that stuff with an adult. Yes.

FREDERICK JOHNSON: But actually Stephanie, what she did was sort of a good way of figuring out if she gave you attitude, then she might give you attitude about something else.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Yes, of course.

FREDERICK JOHNSON: If you just answer the question and then go: “But let’s talk about the new born.”

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Yes. I think it sort of – the conversation went in a strange direction that I didn’t anticipate. But I think it did give me some insight on that she wasn’t the right one for us.


STEPHANIE GLOVER: Okay, so let me ask now: “Once you’re out of the hospital, when is the first pediatric appointment with the selected pediatrician?”

FREDERICK JOHNSON: If you go by the American Academy of Pediatric Guidelines, assuming your baby is normal and it term its two to three days.


FREDERICK JOHNSON: That way if there’s any issues that need to be addressed earlier in terms of weight gain, feeding, pooping and peeing, you answer those sooner rather than later. There are sometimes when if you suspect there’s any problem like excessive jaundice or heart problem, you might have them come back the next day.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Yes. Sunny, did you experience any?

SUNNY GAULT: I had to come back the next day with the twins. Yes to a different location because it’s weird. Because I think they were born right next to a weekend or something and nothing was open. So I have to go to a different place.

But they were 35-weekers. They don’t need the NICU but they were still tiny and I think they wanted to monitor them a little more quickly.

FREDERICK JOHNSON: To make them also a little more prone to be jaundice

SUNNY GAULT: They were, at least one.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: I was just going to say, “Mine too.” So we have to keep going them for testing too after a short stay at children’s

FREDERICK JOHNSON: So we should also mention that: “Once the baby is born, I think almost every hospital, the standard or practices to see them within 24 hours after birth.”

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Okay. I would say even, I think I saw pediatrician sooner than that too.

FREDERICK JOHNSON: Sometimes, it depends on what time of day they delivered.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: That’s true. Yes.


STEPHANIE GLOVER: Yes, probably not on 2:00 AM right?

FREDERICK JOHNSON: Probably not, that would be a bad sign.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Right. You don’t want it at 2:00 AM. So thank you for joining us today Doctor Johnson. For more information about Doctor Johnson as well as information about any of our panelists, visit the Episode Page on our website. This conversation continues for members of our Preggie Pals Club.

After the show, Doctor Johnson is going to talk about: “Pediatrician supervision in the event of a premature birth.”

[Theme Music]

SUNNY GAULT: All right, it’s time for our funny Pregnancy Oops Stories submitted by one of our listeners. Actually, Alicia and she has been a parent that’s been on our show as well. So Alicia writes:

“I am the oldest in my family with a youngest being my eight year old brother. When we told my family that we were having a baby, my youngest brother got a big smile on his face and immediately put his ear up against my belly and then my right breast and then my left breast. We’ve educated him on the logistics of pregnancy and the baby since then. But it definitely made the moment unforgettable.”

Well he knew that the breast had something to do with it, right Alicia? Thanks so much for sending this in. If you guys have a funny Pregnancy Oops Story that you would love to share with our audience, we want to hear it.

So if you would like to submit for this segment, you can go to our website at and you can send us an e-mail. Or you can send a voice mail straight through our website and you just click on that little gray banner on the side and it will use the microphone from your own computer. You never have to pick up a phone. It’s amazing what we can do with technology nowadays, right?

You can send a voicemail straight from your computer. Thanks Alicia. We hope to get more of these soon.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: That wraps up our show for today. We appreciate you listening to Preggie Pals.
Don’t forget to check out our sister shows:
• Newbies for postpartum moms during baby’s first year
• Parent Savers for parents with infants and toddlers
• Twin Talks, for parents of multiples
• The Boob Group for moms who breastfeed

This is Preggie Pals: “Your pregnancy, your way.”

This has been a New Mommy Media production. Information and material contained in this episode are presented for educational purposes only. Statements and opinions expressed in this episode are not necessarily those of New Mommy Media and should not be considered facts. Though information in which areas are related to be accurate, it is not intended to replace or substitute for professional, Medical or advisor care and should not be used for diagnosing or treating health care problem or disease or prescribing any medications. If you have questions or concerns regarding your physical or mental health or the health of your baby, please seek assistance from a qualified health care provider.

SUNNY GAULT: How would you like to have your own show on the New Mommy Media Network? We’re expanding our line up and looking for great content. If you are a business or organization interested in learning more about our co-branded podcast, visit our website at

[End of Audio]

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