Jan Penvose-Yi


Jan Penvose-Yi is a board-certified obstetrician affiliated with Tri-City Medical Center. Jan has more than 8 years of experience practicing medicine. She recently relocated her successful practice from New York to San Diego. Her new practice, called Radiance OB-GYN, is based in Oceanside, California. Her experience spans both coasts and the Midwest. She did her residency at SUNY Upstate Medical Center in Buffalo, New York and graduated from Michigan State College of Human Medicine.

Dr. Penvose-Yi has adopted a humanistic care philosophy where the patient is valued as a whole and the time is taken to provide thoughtful, thorough healthcare. She has delivered well over 600 babies, but who’s counting? And when she isn’t caring for her patients, Jan keeps busy with three children of her own, keeping fit and pursuing her passion for greyhound rescue.

Dr. Penvose-Yi says “Despite the crazy hours, I love providing obstetric care and delivering babies. I especially enjoy getting to know my patients so that the delivery can be a great experience for them.”

Episodes for this expert

  • I’m Pregnant, Now What?

    You’ve just peed on the stick and it’s positive. Now what? Most care providers will schedule your first prenatal appointment at the eight week mark. So, what are you supposed to do in the meantime?

  • Common Bacterial Infections in Pregnancy

    When you’re pregnant, you can easily become a breeding ground for bacterial infections. Today we’re discussing some of the most common infections such as yeast infections, urinary tract infections, bacterial vaginosis and Group B Strep.

  • Fetal Non-Stress Tests During Pregnancy

    There are many reasons you may need to have a fetal non-stress test, or NST, during your pregnancy. Perhaps your baby isn’t moving as much as before or perhaps you have a high risk pregnancy. So, how are these tests performed, and are there any risks to mom and baby? Also, what typically happens if the results are abnormal?

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