Airalia Keime
Intern Midwife

Airalia Keime LVN, CYT is an Intern Midwife trained through the Nizhoni Institute of Midwifery. Airalia works under Marla Hicks, RN-BC, CPM, LM in their homebirth midwifery practice. She is a California Licensed Vocational Nurse with a strong background in hands-on patient care. Airalia is an accomplished herbalist who uses this knowledge to provide treatment to her clients and to support their well-being throughout the pregnancy and into the postnatal period. As a Certified Yoga Teacher, she specializes in prenatal yoga and uses this to help her pregnant clients stay centered and relaxed in their ever changing bodies. Airalia is a placenta encapsulation specialist and offers this service to all of her clients as well as any mother seeking this service in San Diego County. Airalia worked side-by-side with Robin Lim, CNN’s 2011 Hero of the Year, delivering 23 babies as an apprentice midwife in Bali at Robin’s birth center, Yayasan Bumi Sehat. It was Airalia’s own beautiful experiences with natural birth and homebirth during her three pregnancies that gave her a deep respect and reverence for the birthing process. She sees birth as a deeply empowering rite of passage available to all women, and she carries this passion into the caring and supportive environment that she provides to all her clients.
Episodes for this expert
Placenta Benefits After Childbirth
The placenta provides essential nourishment to your baby throughout pregnancy. But it has tremendous benefits to the mother during her postpartum care? What are your different options and how can it impact your overall health?