Real Moms. Real Life.
New Mommy Media creates podcasts, videos and blog posts that educate and entertain new and expecting moms as they transition into motherhood.

What's New
Managing Emotions During Twin Pregnancy

Learning you're pregnant with twins can certainly send you on an emotional rollercoaster. In this episode, our twin moms share how they felt about being pregnant with twins. What initial concerns did they have? How did they manage any additional stress?
The Importance of Finding Childcare While Pregnant

Today we are discussing the importance of finding childcare while pregnant!
Breastfeeding Challenges: Thrush and Other Infections

Consistent nipple pain may be the result of a common yeast infection known as thrush. How is thrush normally treated? When should you seek professional help? And how do you know it's not thrush and must be some other type of infection?
The Mental Load of Motherhood With Renee Reina

So much of what moms do behind the scenes to keep their children happy and healthy goes unnoticed – like the amount of time it takes to research day cares or even pack the diaper bag to get the baby out the door.