Listener Favorites
How BMI Impacts Breastfeeding

As new mothers, we can be a little too obsessed about fitting back into our pre-pregnancy clothes. As it turns out, having a little extra fat on your body may be its way of protecting both you and your baby.
How to NOT Need a Lactation Consultant

How do you get breastfeeding off to a great start so you don't need the help of a lactation consultant? Learn what our panelists did to prepare. Do breastfeeding classes and support groups really work? How does your birth team impact your success?
How Dads Can Bond with a Breastfed Baby

We know breastfeeding is a great way to bond with your baby, but what about dads and partners who aren’t actually feeding the baby? What can they do to help bond with their babies in their own ways? We're turning the show over to dads so they can share their personal experience.
Breastfeeding with Large Breasts

Women with large breasts often have concerns when breastfeeding their babies. Will you somehow smother your little one? Could you produce too much milk and become engorged? Will your flow be faster and more uncomfortable for your baby? Today you'll hear from large breasted women about what works best for them!